Part 3 : Trip with Mahi bhai and his kiddos

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As the CSK team scoured the haunting forest in search of Jaddu, little did they know that their mischievous teammate was nestled on a tree, deep in an unintended slumber. The night's plan for a prank had inadvertently turned into a peaceful nap for Jaddu.

Meanwhile, tensions brewed elsewhere as Mahi bhai's frustration mounted. Raina, hoping to clarify the situation, had unwittingly disclosed the plan involving Jaddu's prank to the team, much to Mahi bhai's dismay.

Raina, grappling with a mix of guilt and remorse, approached Mahi bhai, his voice laden with concern. "Mahi bhai, I need to tell you something about Jaddu's and my plan for the prank."

Mahi bhai, already fraught with worry over Jaddu's disappearance, turned his attention to Raina, his expression a blend of frustration and concern. "What plan, Raina? Jaddu's really lost, and you were planning pranks?"

Raina, feeling guilty and regretful, explained, "Yes, Mahi bhai. We planned a prank, but I didn't know Jaddu would actually get lost. I should've stopped him."

Mahi bhai's disappointment was palpable as he reprimanded, "Pranks are one thing, but carelessness is another. You both need to understand the gravity of the situation!"

Meanwhile, unbeknownst to the team, Jaddu continued his peaceful nap on the tree, oblivious to the commotion his unintended disappearance had caused among his teammates.

The forest echoed with the team's calls for Jaddu, their worry mounting with each passing moment. Bhaji paa, Faf, and Rayudu joined Raina in the search, their concern and confusion adding to the tense atmosphere.

"Jaddu, where are you?" Raina's voice trembled with worry as he called out amidst the haunting shadows.

Bhaji paa added, "This isn't part of the prank, is it? We need to find him!"

Faf, scanning the surroundings, noted, "We can't let him stay lost. We have to locate him."

As Mahi bhai and Watson meticulously combed through the haunting forest, their phone flashlights cutting through the darkness, a surprising turn of events unfolded.

Standing near a tree, engaged in their search for Jaddu, an unexpected occurrence disrupted their mission. A guava fruit fell from the tree, landing squarely on their heads. Mahi bhai and Watson exchanged baffled glances before simultaneously directing their gazes upwards.

Lo and behold, perched amidst the branches was none other than Jaddu, sleeping soundly on the tree.

Mahi bhai, a mixture of frustration and relief evident on his face, couldn't believe his eyes. "Jaddu! How can someone fall asleep on a tree in the middle of this chaos?"

Watson, with a chuckle, remarked, "I've seen it all now. Who knew our search would lead us to a napping Jaddu on a tree?"

Meanwhile, Watson gathered the rest of the team, their surprised expressions mirrored the bemusement of the situation.

Mahi bhai, his patience wearing thin, turned to Raina with a mixture of annoyance and concern. "Raina, call Jaddu right now. This carelessness is unacceptable."

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