Chap 1 ;; Lunch

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Man, I hate biology. It's so boring, and Mrs Blaineley is so strict too! I make my best attempt to look like I'm alive. The school has been very tough for me. I haven't gotten much sleep and I'm super busy with sports which kind of gives me very little time to complete homework. I silently, and repeatedly, tap my pen onto the edge of my table to try and keep myself focused. Suddenly, I felt someone tap on my shoulder. I turn around and get hit with a.. paper ball. It was a note from Cody. I uncrumple and try to read what he's saying.. his handwriting is ridiculous.

"Hey Ty, have you heard? There's gonna be a new kid. His name was.. something? Anyway, from what I've heard he's a very popular student from another school. I saw him before.. he looks handsome. Don't take this the wrong way though. I'm still straight." I chuckle at his note. I quickly stuffed the note in my pocket so Mrs Blaineley wouldn't notice what I was doing.

(time skip im lazy to write)

It's now PE, my favourite! I'm not a pro at dodgeball.. but it's manageable I guess. My team starts swinging and throwing. After a few hands, it was my turn. I got into a position and prepared to throw the ball when suddenly.

"Good morning Wawanakwa High students. May I see Tyler Kenard in my office this instant? Thank you." the PA system announced. I look at the speaker, then I look back at Cody. "Here, good luck bro!" I hurriedly threw the ball into Cody's hands before slamming the door open and running off to the principal's office. It wasn't so far from the gym, so I tried running as fast as I could. Long story short, tripped and bruised my knee. But it didn't matter. I finally reached the principal's office, whew! I open the door, trying to catch my breath before stepping foot.

  "My my Tyler, you're certainly in a rush," Mr Chris chuckled. I lifted my head and stood up straight. I was greeted by Mr Chris and some guy... I didn't recognise him. I walk over to the table, raising my eyebrow. The guy beside me shot glances at me before turning back to Mr Chris. "Tyler, this is Alejandro Burromuerto. He's a transfer student, meaning he will be learning in our school from now on! I'm quite packed today, so it will be very much appreciated if you could bring him around the school.." Mr Chris explained like he was in a rush. "Now shoo! I have a meeting." He furrowed his thick eyebrows, pointing to the door, signalling us to leave. We didn't want to upset him so we dashed out the door.


"So.. uhm... welcome to Wawanakwa High!.." Tyler slurred as he put his thumbs up in the air. He wasn't the best when it came to talking with strangers. He looked at Alejandro, examining his looks from top to bottom. Damn, he was hot. He was way different from Tyler. Alejandro looked at him. "Thanks, you're Tyler.. am I correct?" he questioned. Tyler turned his head quickly and nodded.


"Oh man, I'm sorry if I look lost.. I have no idea how to do this," The brunette apologised. I tittered, but I didn't care. He started sauntering forward so I followed. I took a look at all the different lockers. One was covered in stickers, another one was extremely dented. It was just us and awkward silence.

"So uhh.. why did you transfer here?" Tyler questioned me, breaking the silence. "Ah, it's personal. But maybe if we get closer, I'll tell you," I replied. This school seems to have very different people. It interests me. While we were walking, I got a chance to take a look at this brunette. I stopped walking, and so did he. "Everything alright?" he asked worriedly.

  "Hold on amigo, let me just.." I walk towards him and button his blazer. He looked shocked, but he didn't stop me. After I buttoned his blazer, I helped him fold his collar.

  "You really have to neaten yourself.."

  "Uh.. I-I like girls!" he exclaimed, grabbing my wrists and pushing them away from his uniform. I guffawed at what he said. He raises an eyebrow and tries to play along, chuckling.


  17 minutes later, they reached the cafeteria. It was a very clean one. "So yeah... that's uhm, the end of the.. tour?" Tyler shrugs. Alejandro analysed the cafeteria. He then wears a sad smile on his face. This was not any better than his old school, but there was no backing out now. Tyler stared at Alejandro and gave him a cheesy thumbs-up like a child. He turned around, facing the direction of the gym "I'll catch you tomorrow, I guess. I have to get to P-" he was about to walk off when he felt Alejandro grabbing his shoulder.

"Not just yet. Thanks for this lovely tour! I suppose it was.. nice. In return, lunch is on me," he turned Tyler's body and looked him in the eyes, giving him a broad smile. Tyler's eyes widened. What does he mean lunch is on him?! Is he.. gonna have lunch with this incredibly handsome Spaniard?.. Alejandro patted his back, signalling him to go back to the gym and walked off. Tyler just stood there, still in disbelief at what he just said.


  Tyler was still panicking about this whole lunch thing. Who offers to pay for someone's lunch just by showing them around the school?! Although as much as he wanted to, he couldn't ditch him. He didn't have money on him, and maybe this could be a good opportunity to get to know him better. He nervously waited for Alejandro to arrive. He looked left and right, but nowhere to be found.

  "Tyson, aren't you gonna buy your food?" he startled as a voice appeared from behind him. It was Lindsay. He started stuttering, babbling out random words when finally, Alejandro came. "Al! Where were you?" Tyler queried. Alejandro twitched his eye hearing the word Al, but let it slide since he probably doesn't know about it yet. Lindsay glanced at Alejandro, wearing a surprised face. Before Tyler could say anything, Alejandro dragged him away from her. Tyler waved his hand in the air, it was his form of saying goodbye.


HI GUYS! i finally kept my promise.. anyways sorry if this is terrible i havent wrote in a long time and i havent slept yet so im kind of tired. hope you enjoyed, it was longer than my previous 1st chapter:3

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