From 5. Getting closer

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Gray led her into the bedroom and onto the bed. She loved the feeling of his weight on top of her as they continued to make out. His hand went under her top, brushing over her bra.

"I don't want someone this much, this fast," he said. "But there's something about you."

Marcy figured this was not the time to reveal her lack of experience. He might freak out and reject her. She and Josh had never gone all the way because somehow it hadn't felt right, though Josh had started to pressure her a bit. They had had a kind of understanding that it would happen in senior year.

And now here she was, in the bedroom of some guy she'd met three days ago. She should have been shocked at her own behaviour, but instead she realised for the first time why she had never wanted to do this with Josh. Because he had never, ever made her feel like this.

Gray had pushed her top above her head, taking it off her. Marcy had already run her hands under his shirt, marvelling at the sculpted feel of him. It shouldn't come as a surprise, given all the physical pursuits he had mentioned doing.

Then she felt his hands reach underneath her, his fingers moving and suddenly her bra was unclasped and he had removed that too.

Gray's green eyes met Marcy's for a moment, hazy with lust, then he bent his head and put his mouth on her breast. She bucked as electricity ran through her body. How did anyone ever stop themselves half way through?

When he tugged her pants down and slipped his fingers inside her underwear she was momentarily embarrassed because she could feel she was soaking wet. He didn't seem to care though. The feeling of his fingers on her sensitive folds was amazing, he knew exactly what he was doing.

"You feel incredible," he said.

He was teasing her, tugging at her skin gently. Then his thumb slid directly over her nub and she actually gasped.

He rose up and rapidly threw off his own shirt, so he could lie skin-against-skin with her. Somehow he got rid of the rest of his clothes and they were both entirely naked, she felt his hardness pressed against her thigh. He felt huge.

Gray kissed her some more, running his hands over her body, over her breasts. Marcy's entire body was on fire.

Then he leant over to reach for something, and she heard the tearing of a little packet. Deftly he slipped it on.

This was the point of no return.

He moved back over her, kissing her again, his tongue entwining with hers. She found that her body naturally shifted to give him access.

She felt him at her entrance, she was so swollen and wet that she longed for him to enter her and the desire overcame any fear.

In one smooth movement Gray was inside her, but she winced at the sudden sharp pain and then tried to hide it.

He paused and broke off from the embrace. Raised his head and looked down at her. She saw the confusion and alarm in his eyes.

"Marcy, were you...?"

"Yes." She could feel herself going red despite the throbbing throughout her body and hoped he couldn't tell in the low light. "I know it's crazy late to have waited this long."

"It's not at all, but Jesus. I wish you had told me, we could have taken things far more slowly. Do you want me to stop?"

"No." She really didn't. She wanted him so badly.



He started moving into her again, taking it much more gently this time. It gave her a chance to get used to him. It wasn't exactly hurting now, she loved the feeling of closeness and fullness.

Eventually she was making soft moans at his rhythm, closing her eyes to focus on the new and wonderful sensations in her body.

Gray slipped his hand between them, pulling up her folds slightly which drove her nearly wild as his fingers aimed for her most sensitive place.

Once he hit it there was no going back.

It was a sharp, sweet release. Marcy could feel herself squeeze and spasm around him, this rock hardness inside her body. Waves of it ran through her body and her head felt all dizzy and out of control.

Then Grey was thrusting inside her much more vigorously, straining as he came as well, until they collapsed together, hot and wet with perspiration.


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