🍀 06

369 11 4

Both snuggled in eachother's arms under the blanket. Y/N had her head flushed against Shinichiro's chest, resting her head on his arm, his other hand wrapped around her and his chin rested ontop of her head as the scent of her pearl sakura shampoo invaded his nostrills causing a sort of peace swirling in his entire being as if it's reassuring him that finally..

She's in his arms.

Her arms wrapped around his torso-- after a few hours earlier of just teasing, giggling, mocking at eachother they finally wanted a rest which ended up them cuddling for almost two hours now.

Shin's room was simple but it was cozy, the walls were painted in this darkest shade of blue, his blankets had the same colour, one study desk, a book shelf, two windows, a few frames here and there and the one that caught her attention most.

A vanity table.



As she looked up at him, Shin looked down at her, unwrapping his arm as he raised his hand to brush her hair from her face which caused Y/N's heart to flutter from the amount of love she felt for this guy and vice versa.

"I love that you're here. But is it okay for you to be here? I don't want to cause more trouble for you, hun."

She smiled. "My father isn't gonna be home tonight due to some business. I don't mind spending the night here."

Shin kept caressing her hair making Y/N feel desperate to snuggle more against him for his warmth.

"How's life as an heiress?"


Shin nodded and kissed her forehead as a reply.

"You didn't feel at home?"

"I'm home when I'm hugging you."

Shin chuckled and looked at her, placing a quick peck on her lips after.

"God.. I love you."

Poking his cheek with her finger, she nodded and hugged him tighter.

"And you are like a fine wine that only gets better with age. I cherish you more deeply and profoundly as time goes by."

Shin's eyes widened for a split second, his heart beating rapidly from her words yet he couldn't help but smile. Reaching for her chin as he pinched it between his fingers, he leaned close to her and placed his lips on her's. Y/N closed her eyes and kissed him back, wrapping her arms around his neck as the kiss kept going and eventually escalating to a more intense and passionate kiss.

Both desperate for eachother, during the weeks they didn't see the other one's presence caused this sudden rush in both of their chests. A small muffled whimper escaped Y/N's lips when Shin deepened the kiss more , his fingers running through the back of her hair, he flipped her from his side to her laying ontop of his chest and that was when both decided to pull back from the kiss and pressed their foreheads against eachother-- both panting for air after the intensity of the kiss.

"Did you just say 'I love you' in a much more beautiful way, my love?"

A soft chuckle came out from Y/N and she nodded. "I did."


Chifuyu and Reiko both rushed to hug Y/N when she finally entered the classroom.

"Hey you two." She smiled and the two were taking turns to asking questions about her until the school bell rang and their homeroom teacher went in.

One thing they noticed? He seemed brighter today.

The class went on normally after everybody have finally asked enough questions to the blonde who had been absent for two weeks straight. Asking questions like; How are you? Where we you? But soon it died down the moment Shinichiro toold everyone to settle down.

During the discussion, Shinichiro stole glances time to time to the girl, a small smirk forming on his lips every time he turn his back from the students.. Luckily , no one noticed it.

And Y/N was just busy on her notes, she knew she had a lot to catch up so she was gonna start immediately and the first step was to focus on her class but that seemed difficult especially she noticed Shinichiro's not so obvious actions..

After nine hours, school was finally over. The sky illuminated in a his of yellow and orange, students walked with their friends towards the gate.

Y/N packed her stuff before going to the door, as she stepped out , a hand immediately plopped on top of her head causing a small smile going to her lips as she knew too well who that hand belongs to.

"You're not even hiding it.. "

"Don't feel like it. "

"Aren't you worried? "

"Can't say I'm not. " He shrugged.

The two just stared at each other before nodding their heads and it the only time they can finally walk beside each other was when one of them was finally outside the gate and that was Y/N.

"Do you wanna go somewhere else? " Shinichiro asked  walking beside her and reached for her bag so he can carry it for her but Y/N frowned.

"No, I can do it. "

"I know.. But let me. " He smiled and grabbed it anyway.

Y/N's lips curled into a slight smile and she gave him a small thank you after.

"As much as I want to go somewhere after, I can't.. " She mumbled low and Shin nodded in understatement.

"Are you going straight to your uncle's ? "


Another nod and the two let the comforting silence finish their conversation.. Slowly closing the distance and soon intertwined their fingers with each other.

"Hey Shin."

"Hmm? "

"Exams are coming next week. "

"I know.." He smirked at her and ruffled her hair. "Good luck. "

It was the little things that made Y/N fell for this guy. Someone who doesn't give too much and not less either.

"You want to visit my uncle? "

"I would but.. I know you two need to discuss something important. I'll visit when things have finally calmed down with you and your family, okay? " He spoke with the most reassuring and calm tone, all the while keeping his hold on her hand tight.

Y/N nodded and squeezed his hand for a second.

"Thank you for being with me, Shinichiro.. I can't explain how greatful I am when you decided to hear me out. "

The words were beautiful, however...

Upon hearing those words that left her mouth, maybe. Just maybe.. Shin felt some sort of anxiety in his gut, he wasn't sure but he knew.

Something was not right.

The Ten Year Gap \\ 𝙎𝙖𝙣𝙤 𝙎𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙞𝙘𝙝𝙞𝙧𝙤 𝙁𝙖𝙣𝙛𝙞𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣Where stories live. Discover now