Lily and Rose lived by an old beaten up asylum.
Lily always heard little kids humming a song, but she always heard it at 3:00 am.
In the morning lily told rose, but rose was not really listening to lily, she got annoyed by this. In the night lily got hungry and went down the stairs to get food.
When she was done eating she went upstairs and looked out the bedroom window and saw five kids playing.Their clothing was muddy and some kids hade blood on them.
She was so shocked she could not believe her eyes.
The next day Lily went to the asylum without telling Rose, as she was walking she saw a figure looking at her in a window. She got the chills because the asylum has been abandoned for over 100 years. She still walked over to the asylum's entrance. The door was already open, but she did not care. She entered the asylum with the chills but she brushed it off. As she walked in she heard a noise but could not define it… the sound got louder and louder as she walked towards the door to the stairs. The sound was a little boy crying in pain like someone or something was cutting him that reminded her of the five kids and the figure in the window. As she walked up the stairs she saw a blood trail leading to a room. Meanwhile Rose was at home on her phone and did not know where Lily was so she got up, made something to eat and opened the door and walked to the graveyard and said a prayer to the kids who have passed away. Rose sees Lily walking on the second floor. She walks over to the entrance and walks up the stairs. Lily ses something out of the corner of her eye, she continues to walk around. Now Lily is on the third floor, as she passed a room she saw a kid sleeping on a bed. Rose is on the third floor and Lily bumped into Rose. lily jumps up and down with joy. But little did lily know she woke up all of the kids and the thing she saw. They ran as fast as they could, they made it back home safely. lily made Kraft Dinner noodles for dinner at 1 a.m. Rosen Lily heard a tapping noise on the window. Lily looked out the window but nothing was there. In the morning rose found a note that said come see us again, rose told lily so they went to the asylum and walked up the stairs to the fourth floor.They saw a kid with a misshapen face, they went over to help the kid but they heard a faint voice say he is fine. The girls did not know where the voice was coming from, so they walked past the boy. Now they are on the fifth floor. That floor was abandoned; all the rooms hade veins and rats living there. One room was facing their house. That's when Lily remembered the figure in the window. Floor five room seventeen is where the thing watches them. Rose said what if that's the thing that said he is fine that now has lily thinking about the five kids and the figure. When they went back home there was a mess of plates and bowls shattered to a million pieces on the wall was a note that said your next with a clock. The time was 2:00 am. Lily's throat went dry and Rose got the shivers. That night Rose fell asleep on the couch and Lily fell asleep in the bed. At 2:00 am Lily heard Rose screaming. She rushed down the stairs and Rose was not there, she cried for ten minutes because she just lost her best friend. The next morning Lily went back to the asylum to find Rose but when she got to the entrance she saw Rose hanging. Lily could not believe her eyes. She left and went back home she found a mirror in her bedroom. That night there was thunder and lightning she woke up to a flash of lightning and a boom of thunder in the mirror she saw a shadow. Lily could not sleep that night so she just read a book. She found a note that said it is fun to watch you sleep. Lily did not know what to do so she went outside and walked over to the asylum and went to the seventh floor she saw kids playing with toys she smiled and walked passed them and went into a room and flopped on the bed until she heard a woman singing a song so she got up and ran out of there and went home she found a small hole she did not care and went to bed. In the morning she went outside and watched the inside of her house from the outside. She saw a woman crawl out of the hole she was so shocked that she ran inside but the woman was not there. That night she poached up the hole and moved the mirror and went to bed. In the morning lily was found dead hanging from her ceiling fan. The police came and barred both of the bodies, the house was demolished and the asylum is still there to this day
( don't live by an old creepy asylums)
--------------------------------------------------#my lil bro wrote this (he 9 years old)
This was for Halloween but yeah he didn't finish in time
Since he's young don't mind the grammer or mistakes AND I'm to lazy to fix it 😭✌️