Chapter 1

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Haagen hugs Harjith while crying, he couldn't believe Irvine would actually break up with him. He thought Irvine was the one for him, but he was wrong.... but little did he know.

Harjith was in love with Haagen, ever since the day they met, Harjith knew he was the one. The one to love him and cherish him but Haagen never really thought of being Harjith's lover nor having feelings, you know.. maybe.. he'll suddenly start developing feelings for him soon.

A few days after the break up Harjith and Haagen's friendship grew better, day after day they got closer.

 One day Haagen decided to invite Harjith to his dorm after school.

"Are you really sure about letting me in your dorm? i might disturb your roommate.." Harjith said nervously.

"It's fine! im pretty sure he'll bother you more than you bother him" Harjith chuckles trying to hide his nervousness, but Haagen can tell he's nervous.

Haagen smiles at Harjith and holds his hand and yelled "Lets go now!" They ran across the hallways and the crowd and went to the shared dorm of Haagen and Ervin. Harjith was still flushed from Haagen holding his hand, he felt like it was a dream come true.

Haagen's roommate was at the couch with someone Harjith didn't know, The only thing he knew that he was probably from another school judging from the uniform

"Ah, i forgot to introduce you to them, this is Ervin and.. his boyfriend Matteo, but please don't judge them for being gay its just-" Haagen was cut off by seeing Harjith smile at him, He felt butterflies in his stomach, but he didn't know why well they're just friends right?

"Its okay.. im gay too.." Harjith said quietly which shocked Haagen, he never thought Harjith was gay, but he felt a sense of relief after hearing that yet he didn't know why.. he doesn't have feelings for Haagen right?..

"You're gay too?? now i think almost every guy in our school is gay.." Harjith chuckles, making Haagen blush slightly, why am i acting like this?.. Haagen tried to brush away his thoughts, but he just couldn't. 

Harjith noticed Haagen acting weird and thought he was making him uncomfortable, "Hey Haagen... Are you okay? i feel like im making you uncomfortable.. do you want me to leave?" of course Haagen needed some time alone to think about his feelings for him but he also couldn't leave Harjith alone when he told him he'll let him stay for the night.

"Its your choice" Haagen said quietly while Harjith fidgets with his fingers "Ill leave.. im sorry.."Harjith's 'sorry' was barely audible leaving Haagen thinking what Harjith said.

Some time later Haagen was on his bed chatting with his friends, Syereen, Dj and Mizu. They were giving him advice while slightly teasing him a bit, It was midnight and Haagen couldn't stop thinking about Harjith.

He falls asleep while listening to Last kiss by Taylor swift, the next day Haagen sees a text from Harjith saying 'meet me at the park after school' Haagen felt scared after reading the text, what if he suddenly don't want to be friends anymore?

After school, Harjith was waiting at him and Haagen's hang out spot, hoping that Haagen will come, until he sees Irvine eyeing him at the corner of the park, Harjith hated his guts. He hoped that he wouldn't bother Haagen while walking to him, but Hoping wasn't enough.

He sees Irvine approaching Haagen and then they were fighting. Harjith runs to them stopping them from fighting, He notices a slap mark on Haagen's face and gets mad immediately, He yells at Irvine but before he could even finish, Irvine holds his waist and kisses him in-front of Haagen. His heart broke at the sight of the person he loved and his own ex kiss in-front him.

He runs away while Harjith pushes Irvine away and tries to chase after him but fails miserably. Haagen ran too fast that he couldn't catch up. He stumbles onto his friends Syereen and Dj and asks them where Haagen is. 

"Probably in his dorm, we saw him running while crying" Syereen responds, Harjith ran to Haagen's shared dormitory and knocks hoping Haagen would open the door but to his surprise Matteo opened it.

"Wheres Haagen?!" Harjith asked anxiously, Matteo points to Haagen's room and Harjith rushed inside. He sees Haagen crying while hugging his pillow and he approaches him slowly, he leans down and caresses Haagen's face, and then...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2023 ⏰

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