"Smiles are my weakness, and I think yours is the prettiest..."

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Confetti tapped their pen against their desk and tried to focus on the lesson at hand, he really did. He tried to focus on the teachers words and take actual helpful notes, though not his strong point. But they were having an... especially difficult time focusing on.. anything, as of late. And there was only one person to blame. He turned his head and looked at the pink haired boy just a couple desks apart from him, seemingly doing a lot better at paying attention than Confetti was.

Confetti's best friend, they hadn't known each other for more than a couple of months, sure, but she knew a best friendship when she felt it. Kandi made xem feel lighter, happier. He made them laugh, he complimented their appearance and their artwork. He made them feel... safe. Which Confetti adored, they loved finally having someone close to them they could talk about nearly anything with, and rant about their fixations with. But as of late things have felt... different.
Kandi would make these strange.. remarks? No, jokes was a better term for it. He would pretend to.. "jokingly" flirt with Confetti, nothing crazy or anything just.. being a little more extra or clingy with them. It didn't make them uncomfortable or anything, honestly they kinda liked the little rush it gave them. The confusion, the wave of emotions, they could always laugh it off and jokingly tell him to stop, despite loving the attention.

Oh, how xey wished the two of them were just laughing and joking around right now. Instead of sitting here, stuck, unable to focus on anything besides... him. The white haired boy sighed and sank down into their arms, hiding their face. Xey just wanted to stay like this for as long as possible, or at least until xey could talk to Kandi and get all of this.. nonsense, sorted out.
And speak of the devil.. in the middle of all of their daydreaming and thinking, more time had passed than they'd thought, as Kandi tapped xem on the shoulder, startling them. "Wwuh— oh..! Kkandi, hi..!! Wwhat are you—" "Youu.. fell asleep? During class?? It seemed like a pretty bold move to me since you didn't even bother to hide it." The pink haired boy explained, leaning against Confetti's desk. Confetti's face went slightly pink with embarasment. "Oh-.. I wasn't... asleep, just kinda- zoned out." They mumbled as they got up, grabbing their things and looking around the nearly empty classroom. Just him and Kandi.

Kandi nodded and started helping Confetti gather her things up. "Ohh, yeah I get that! I actually have the same problem a lot of the time especially with classes like maths and stuff that I'm not really interested in." He spoke so cheerfully. He always sounded cheeful. To Confetti, at least. They smiled back at him and nodded along. "Yeahh.. jus' been kinda.... distracted as a whole lately, y'know?" They said as they reached for their books in Kandi's arms, to which he surprisingly pulled away. Confetti gave him a confused look as Kandi smiled. "Oh I don't mind carrying your books and stuff for you! It's what boyfriends are for after all!" He smiled and laughed a bit, still making it seem like he was joking. Though it just still didn't... sit right, with Confetti. They nervously smiled back and started walking out of the room with him. "You're so ridiculous." Confetti rolled her eyes and snickered, giving him the same response they usually gave after Kandi pulled anything like this. To which Kandi giggled and stuck his tongue out at her, fitting the word "ridiculous" even better.
She smiled at this.

"...And you show it quite a lot, when I'm around."

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