Part 1

44 3 5

Alex: Name a more iconic duo than my crippling anxiety and constant worry. I'll wait.

Sky: You and me.

Alex, tearing up: Okay.


Lani: Dang it Samheed!

Samheed: What?! It wasn't me!

Lani: Oh sorry, force of habit. Dang it Meghan!

Meghan: Wasn't me.

Lani: Dang it Alex!

Alex: What? I didn't do anything!

Lani: Then who set the kitchen on fire?!

Sky: *slowly walks away*


Gunner: One minute you're young and the next you're turning down the radio in the car to see better.


Samheed: I have an amazing memory! Name one time I've forgotten something!

Alex: You left me in the Walmart parking lot three weeks ago.

Samheed: I did that on purpose, try again.


Aaron: So how's the most beutiful girl in the world doing?

Kaylee: *blushes* I don't know-

Samheed, from across the room: Lani's doing great, thanks.

Alex: You can just go ask Sky herself.

Meghan: Wow.

Meghan: I feel so single right now.


Lani: The French have given us many great things.

Alex: French fries.

Samheed: French toast.

Sky: The guillotine.


Simber: Alex no.


Lani: Alex NO.

Alex: Alex yes.

Samheed: Alex no.


Sky: *glares*

Alex:...Alex no?

Sky: *taps foot impatiently*

Alex: Alex no.

Sky: I-

Sky: I was waiting for you to invite me in on whatever you're doing-


Alex: Hi dad!

Simber: I-

Samheed: yo paps, how's life.


Meghan: Hey dad!

Simber: What is happening-

Florence: You've done it.

Florence: You're officially their dad.



Samheed: If I were the last person in the world, alive, would you date me?

Lani: If you were the last person here then everyone else would be dead.


Lani: Me included.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2023 ⏰

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