Sweater Weather

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 Note: This is not my written story. I'm just doing @h3artzf0ryou a favor and posting his or her one-shot.


Tony's POV

It's December 3rd and normally this is the season for giving your significant other your sweater or hoodie and Tony was planning on giving Layla his sweater he wore to their last Christmas party at the garage. They were only friends but who cares. 

It was a Dark blue with reindeers going across the middle with snowflakes in between each one. There was also a zigzag pattern right above the reindeer and one to the bottom with more snowflakes on each point. 

Tony was all in to give her but there was one problem, how was he going to give her it? Knowing Tony, he's pretty awkward when it comes to these situations. He thought of giving it to her when he was in a public space but that would be public embarrassment. He can give her when they were at the garage, but his friends would've just ruined the moment and he thought about giving her in a private area but then they won't have anyone to break the awkward silence. 

Tony flopped on his bed, fed up with trying to think of a way to give her his sweater. Then, an idea formed in his head. 

"What if I leave it on her doorstep?"  

Tony would just put the sweater in a box and just drop it off by her house. Should be easy. Tony knew he had a box somewhere in his room from something he bought the other day. 

"Damn it, where is that box?" 

 After seven long minutes of Tony looking, he finally found it under his bed in a corner. He decided to write a small card for Layla so it wouldn't look like she actually got an unwanted order from some company. 

With that out of the way, Tony threw on some winter clothes, grabbed the box with the sweater in it and headed to her apartment. It was 7:05 a.m. when he got to her apartment and his heart was beating fast, almost as if he were nervous. Why be nervous when he was confident just a few minutes ago? 

Tony brushed aside the nervousness, left the package at her doorstep and sped away to go back home and get some rest so he had enough energy for later when him and the gang are meeting up. 

When he got home, Tony flopped onto his bed feeling accomplished. He started to get comfortable in his bed when he remembered he didn't sign the card. 

 "Shit. Whatever, she'll know its me." 


Layla's POV 

It was about 8: 00 a.m. when Layla finally got herself up and was now eating cinnamon waffles with some strawberries on the side. 

After eating, Layla decided to go outside and check her mailbox for any mail. When she opened the door, she didn't see the box and almost tripped and fell but she caught herself before she met the floor. 

"What the hell? Why is there a box over? here I never ordered anything." 

Layla looked around, making sure no one was around before taking the box inside. It was a lot lighter than she expected and had been sealed up pretty tightly. There was at least 5 layers of tape, so she got a pair of scissors from the kitchen drawer and started slicing through the tape. 

Layla was careful with the slicing since she had no idea what was in the box and hoped she doesn't damage whatever is inside. 

Finally, Layla got through all the layers and opened it. A warm smile crept onto her face and butterflies flew into her stomach as she opened the box. She didn't even have to look at it for more than one second to know that it was Tony's sweater from the last Christmas party. 

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