Ben's coronation: Part 2

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This is part two of coronation when Jane takes the wand and maleficent thinking Mal took it, broke the barrier down and freeing the villains. maleficent is crashing the coronation!

Back at the castle, Jane moves the wand up and down, flying sparkles and making people cover themselves under their faces

" Child, what are you doing?" Fairy Godmother says

" if you won't make me beautiful, I'll do it myself!" Jane says

" Bibbidi Bobbidi boo!" Jane says

" Take cover!" Beast says

A spark from the wand hits Bella making Bella fall to the ground

" Bella!" Ava says but Jane didn't notice that she hurt Bella. she tries to run to her but Audrey and Alex pulls her back because she doesn't want her to get hurt.

" Ava, no!" Alex says

" honey, are you OK?" Belle says noticing her daughter fell to the ground

The spark from the wand became a bad white purple bruise on Bella's cheek

Belle picked her daughter up and holds her tightly. Rylee was scared. She screams

Mal gets the wand away from Jane before she causes any more damage. 

" Careful, Mal!" Belle says

Mal finally gets the wand out of Jane's hands

Jane runs away. Jay and Juliana and Carlos and Evie and Elena and Cinnamon and Ruby run to towards Mal who holds the wand Malia follows the rest of the villain kids

"Mal, give me the wand" Ben says

" Stand back" Mal says

" It's OK" Ben says

" Ben, we said stand back!" Malia says

" Stand back! this is your final warning" Malia says

" I told you so!" Audrey says until Cinnamon takes the wand and points the wand right at Audrey, like she was gonna use magic on her and Cinnamon glares Ava and Audrey and Alex angrily.

"Audrey. Stop!" Cinnamon says. Rylee smiles

" Let's go!" Carlos says

" Revenge time" Jay says not seeing Bella's hurtful expression

" Come on we gotta go" Ruby says

" Babe? No" Bella says getting sad all over again

" You really want to do this?" Ben says

" we have no choice, Ben!" Cinnamon says

" Our parents..." Mal says

" Your parents made their choice" Bella says

" Now you make yours" Bella says

" I think I want to be good" Mal says

" Same" Juliana says

" You are good" Ben says before Cinnamon took the wand out of Mal's hand and points it at Ben

" How do you know that?" Cinnamon says as she furiously grabs the wand out of Mal's hand and points the wand right at Ben. The crowd including Beast and Belle gasp at Cinnamon's anger. Ben jumps as the wand is crackling Its magic towards him

"Because.... because I'm listening to my heart. Bella is too" Ben says

" I want to listen to my heart, too" Mal says making her sister nod

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