♡ chapter 3 ♡

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Chan pov

I was working on some music when i got a notification from a little and caregiver party, i opend the notification and it was a invitation for the party, Minho barged in my room, i turned around in my chair when Minho asked if i also got a invintation for a little and caregiver party, i nodded 'should i accept it' he asked 'yea i think the littles will like it' i say he walks out of my room

I turn around in my chair and accept the invitation i ckeck the time and see thats its already 3 a.m i close my laptop and put some pajamas on i lay down next to my baby and cuddle him closely to me and fall asleep quite quick

I wake up and see that Seungmin is not besides me anymore i walk out my room and walk downstairs i see the most cutest sight ever

He is playing with Hannie, Lixie and Innis happily while Hyunjin is cooking food and Minho and Changbin are cleaning up the littles now are always little since we are on break for two months, i walk over to Hyunjin and see him cooking bacons and eggs 'did you alread tell Seungmin about the party' he asks me i look up at him 'no but il tell him now i forgot did you tell Felix' i ask 'no not yet neither did Changbin and Minho the littles were all sleeping' Hyunjin says i look at him and he says we could tell them while eating i nodd and walk over to my baby

I hug him from behind and give him a kiss on his forhead sleepily, 'Goodmorning Dwaddy' Seungmin says happily 'goodmorning baby' 'GOODMORNING CHANNIE HWYUNG' hannie yells 'baby dont be so loud' Minho tells his little, Hannie pouts and makes grabby hands to Minho, Minho walks over and picks him up

Hannie loves being picked up its very cute, me and minho talk a little about some random stuff with the 3 littles on the floor playing and Hannie in Minho his arms playing with his hair.

Felix stands ups and runs to Hyunjin but end up falling 'baby are you okay' Hyunjin asks Felix, Felix starts crying and pouting 'Changbin can you take over the cooking please' Hyunjin asks Changbin 'ugh why me' Changbin says annoyingly 'cause Minho has Hannie in his arms and Minnie is clinging on Chans his leg' Hyunjin yells at him 'ugh fine' changbin says annoyed and stands up walking over to Hyunjin taking over the cooking.

Hyunjin runs to felix picking him up and asks him where it hurts 'mwy hwead hwurts' Felix says while crying and sobbing, Hyunjin gives alot of kisses on top of his head and stroking his head.

10 minutes pass and the food is finally dons we all sit down on the chairs and start eating when i rememberd about the party 'Oh yeah we are going to a party for littles and caregivers' i tell them all 'weally' Innie asks 'yeah baby' Changbin says Innie, all the littles jump of there chairs and start jumping out of excitement its a really cute sight.

We are all done eating and getting ready for the party

(This is what the littles are gonna wear Han in the color pink Felix in the color violet purple Seungmin in sky blue and Jeongin in the color mint green)

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(This is what the littles are gonna wear Han in the color pink Felix in the color violet purple Seungmin in sky blue and Jeongin in the color mint green)

(This is what the littles are gonna wear Han in the color pink Felix in the color violet purple Seungmin in sky blue and Jeongin in the color mint green)

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(And this is what the caregivers are gonna wear Bangchan in black Minho in Brown Changbin in grey and Hyunjin in withe and black)

We all got ready and are heading downstairs we are all wearing super pretty outfits, we all head to the car and get inside me as the driver and Minnie next to me and the others in the back

We finally arrived at the location there are alot of cars outside and i see alot of littles dressed in cute outfits i hope they can make some friends here we all get out the car, the littles all excited and start jumping out of excitement, we head inside the big building there are alot of stuff to do there are playgrounds, cute stores, food courts and more.

We all head to a table to sit at we grab little bracelets where trackers on it so we dont loose the littles, we all give them 10 dollors to buy things and tell them they can go

2 hours pass by and the littles come back exhausted and hungry we all choose something to eat, the waitress finally arrived to take our orders we all tell them our orders while she is writing it, she repeats what we order and we all nod that its correct she walks away

Seungmin walks to me and sits on my lap 'hi baby' i tell him 'hwi dwaddy' he says tired 'was it fun sweetheart' i ask Seungmin 'ywes wery fwun bwut me now twired and hwungry' he tells me with a cute yet tired smile, 40 minutes pass and the waitress finally came with our food and drinks she places them on the table and walks away.

We all eat and start talking, we all finished our food and decided to head home since it was getting late and everyone was tired.

We pay and head to the car this time Minho drives and Hannie sits besides him Felix and Seunmin are arguing who was better at the games, Hannie and Minho are talking, Changbin and Innie are also talking and im just looking outside at the beautiful vieuw, we finally arrived home and Seungmin fell asleep half way home so i pick him up out of the car and carry him upstairs to our room he was sleeping so i put some pajamas on him and put him on bed i also put some pajamas on formyself i lay besides my angel and kiss him on his forhead and cuddle close to him and close my eyes goodnight my angel i fall asleep 5 minutes later.

Tysm for all the reads and votes i really appreciate it
I hope you liked this chapter

Question: do u have any pets?

Xoxo you're author

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