chapter 1

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*sorry for mistakes*

Yui stumbled into her room, closing the wooden door with her whole body before sinking to the floor. Her neck stung with a nulled pain, droplets of blood dripping out of the fresh bite marks that littered her once pure skin. She got used to the pain, so it never really bothered her, unlike the light-headedness she got from the loss of blood. The pale blonde sighed and slowly stood up, making sure she had her balance set out before quickly walking towards her bed and sitting down. Those triplets really loved seeing life almost leaving her face, she had about twenty different near-death experiences when those three wanted her blood. Of course, this isn't counting individual scores. The lilac walls were the only sense of comfort Yui had in this god-forsaken house, but even they couldn't protect her from the vampires lurking around. This was their house, after all. The pale blonde sat on her bed for a few minutes, breathing slowly while trying to regain her lost energy. It was a good thing she learned not to deny them, or she would have been dead a long time ago.

Besides, they probably won't even let her die at this point. She hasn't even picked her 'official' groom out of them. It was her only job in this house, to pick one of them and serve as their food bag until they became the head of the house. Cruel fate, isn't it? Yui never understood why she was sent here, she never did anything sinful, she always prayed before going to sleep, ate everything on her plate, and always helped her 'father' when needed. Why was she sentenced to this hellhole?

She quickly learned that it doesn't matter if you've never sinned a day in your life, it only makes you an easier target.

Yui slowly stood up when she felt her strength coming back to her, breathing in and out slowly to calm her rapidly beating heart. If she produced more blood flow from her wounds, it would attract more of them...Or worse, round two. The pale blonde walked over to her wardrobe and swung the double doors open, picking out her pale pink nightgown. A bath would be great right now, one without Shuu napping in a tub full of lukewarm water and eventually preying on her preferably. Before she closed the wardrobe doors, her velvet pink eyes caught something at the very corner of the wardrobe. Hidden by her clothes, Yui found a small mustard gold-colored ring attached to the cherry wood wall. Out of curiosity, Yui moved her clothes to the side so she could see it more clearly, seeing that it was a secret drawer. Did the brothers now about this? Did the past brides use this? Yui reached her thin fingers towards the small ring, hooking her index finger through it and pulling it. It took a bit more strength than she thought, but one more harsh tug got the stubborn drawer to open. Besides collecting dust, there was a rounded gold object with gold vines decorating the outside of it. Yui took it out and examined it a bit, there were a few scratches and a small dent in the bottom, but still in a rather good condition. Yui found a small button at the side and pressed it for it to pop open, showing her own reflection. She didn't need another reminder that her skin was dull, bags were under her eyes, how noticeable her veins were near her neck, or how malnourished she looked at the moment.

"A pocket mirror. I wonder how long this was in there...I should put you back, it's always wrong to mess with deceased people's things." Yui was going to close the pocket mirror until the glass started to glow a bright yellow. Out of surprise, she dropped the pocket mirror onto the violet carpet and cowered away. The mirror kept glowing brighter and brighter until something popped out of the glass before the glowing stopped completely. Yui blinked in confusion before something appeared in front of her, almost making her squeak out in shock, but clasp her hands over her mouth so the vampires wouldn't hear her.

It was a fairy...

She was taller than Yui's middle finger, body skinny and dainty like hers. Her hair was a choppy pale green with white flowers decorating her hair and elf-like ears poking through the poorly-cut hair. She had the most beautiful ice-blue eyes that complemented her porcelain skin, like one of the old china dolls one of the nuns back home set up for decoration. The fairy wore a white, flowy, see-through dress made of silk that reached to her knees. It sparkled to Yui and showed the silhouette of her small body. Her dragonfly-like wings beat rapidly to keep her floating in front of Yui's face as she left a barely visible trail of sparkles in her wake. She waved one of her vine-decorated hands to Yui and smiled.

"Hello there! Thank you so much for freeing me! My name is Lilith, what's yours?"

"Komori...Yui..." She wanted to pinch herself, was this actually happening? Yes, Yui did live in a house of vampires, but now fairies popped in front of here?! Did the triplets suck too much blood out of her? Lilith giggled and floated around Yui. "It's nice to meet you, Yui-chan! But I have to be honest, this isn't the first time I met you."

"I always see you getting pushed around by those men and felt really bad for you! Aren't you sick of them? I hate it when all they call a person is degrading names, food bag, or just 'you' rudely! I've been wanting to help you out, but I couldn't. The mirror sealed my soul, so you couldn't see me or hear me. I was only able to wander around this very room, so I actually know a little bit about you!"

"I see..." Yui gave a sad smile, the thought of this cute little fairy seeing her being abused verbally and physically by the brothers made her heart sink a bit. The green-haired fairy flew over to the pocket mirror on the floor and picked it up with ease, carrying it in front of the pale blonde. "That's why, in return for saving me, I'll save you! I will give you a gift that will help you end the abuse those men are giving you!"

"Eh? What is it?" Yui questioned as Lilith flew above Yui, so that she could see her own reflection in the pocket mirror. It glowed once more, only this time it was a rather toxic-looking neon purple. It glowed brighter by the second, blinding Yui for a split second. The pale blonde tried to move away, but her body wouldn't do anything she told it to do. She was frozen on the spot, the only thing she could barely see before it became white was Lilith smile. Yui felt her body fall to the ground as her vision fell into an abyss of white. 

Yui's body felt...Light.

Like no one could bother her, she was protected from her daily danger. Her head was finally in a peaceful state of mind, the whiteness around her only granted her one sense. Her vision, touch, taste, and smell dissipated into nothing as Yui heard her last words before passing out:

"I grant you my gift, the gift of lust. When you kiss someone on the lips, they'll fall in love with you sexually. Have fun with my gift Yui-chan, you deserve it after so much abuse."

Word count: 1295

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