Part : 2 Nightless City

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The darkness could be seen everywhere because of the insufficiency of light, making it look mysterious. Without the presence of any sound describing the night scene with a dead silence, a sudden sound of footsteps could be heard, clearly proving it to be the only sound.

A young man wearing a little poor clothes walks alone on the streets, shivering in fear of something in the darkness.

"W-Who's there?" asked the young man while shivering, sweating, and trying his best to maintain his sight straight, not to look back as it felt like something was behind him.

"I-I asked who?" asked the male again. A single ray of red light was sneaking from behind, letting him see something horror and making him fall down.

"Aaaaa!" screamed the young man, who was nowhere to be seen.

Everywhere was quiet again, creating a dead silence.


The Ghost City is the number one prosperous place in the Ghost Realm.
The city had never-ending streets with both sides filled with various stores and stalls, thus appearing like a giant market, also known as the Ghost Market for the same reason. There were a lot of colorful and red lanterns hanging lowly in the streets. It was extremely crowded, with all the ghosts selling and buying goods. Heavenly officials often came to Ghost City with a disguise.

According to Shi Qingxuan, it was apparently easier for female heavenly officials to get unnoticed in Ghost City. Well, Hua Cheng lets them and doesn't care if they cause trouble, as he doesn't want to seem bad in front of his Gege.

A gentle breeze whispers, creating a scene of tranquil grace and describing the beautiful morning.

A single ray of sunlight was sneaking through the red curtains and landing on the faces of a pair of males. The pair of males open their eyes only to look into each other's deep eyes; the male in white snuggles up against the other in black; their heartbeats can be heard clearly; and their bodies react simultaneously to each other's warm touch. Their bodies pressed together as the male in black closed the distance between their lips, pressing on them softly. They parted slightly, allowing their tongue to slip inside.

It was a sweet morning kiss, but the urge to deepen the kiss made it turn into a makeout, leading to lovemaking in the morning.

"Gege, are you fine?" asked Hua Cheng, the Ghost King, with a smirk on his face after seeing the older man struggle to stand up.

The man in white blushed, "I am f- " Hua Cheng lifted his Gege in bridal style without giving any time to the older man to complete his sentence. The older got embarrassed enough to cover his face with both of his hands, and the younger let out a small chuckle, taking his Gege for a bath. After the bath, Hua Cheng placed his husband on the bed.

"Gege you rest; I will be back in some time; something urgent came up." said Hua Cheng.

"Okay, then I will wait for you." said Xie lian, the older giving the most warm smile, making it harder for the younger to leave.

After convincing himself countless times, to leave his husband, Hua Cheng walked towards the paradise hall of Paradise Manor.

Paradise Manor was located in Ghost City, next to a lake. The Paradise Manor, a glamorous pavilion covered with an intense aura, was where Hua Cheng and Xie lian lived since their marriage, which was actually 49 years ago.

"Better if it's something important!" said Hua Cheng, glaring his assistant to death.

"Some evil ghosts run away from prison." informed Yin Yu, assistant to Hua Cheng.

"Only this?" asked Hua Cheng, calming his urge to kill someone.

"Not only this, the ghost is now causing the destruction in the mortal realm." told Yin Yu, worrying about his life.

"Mortal realm, where?" asked Hua Cheng.

"Nightless City; most of them are now in Nightless City." replied Yin Yu.

"You can go now; I will handle it myself!" said Hua Cheng as he smiled, thinking about the idea he just got. Then he walks back to his bedroom.

"Gege, why did you get up?" Hua cheng making the older sit on bed.

"San lang, I am fine; I just wanted to drink water." replied Xie lian holding his husband's hands.

"Mn Gege, want to travel?" asked Hua Cheng out of nowhere.

"Well, some ghosts are causing trouble in, the mortal realm, so I think if we go together, we can also explore new places after resolving the matter." said Hua Cheng as he grinned, planning to go on a honeymoon with an excuse of investigation.

"Of course, San lang we will go together, but where are we going? You mentioned new places!" questioned Xie lian with a soft smile and curious face.

"Nightless City!" answered Hua Cheng.

"Okay, then we will leave in the evening!" Xie lian was excited, making the younger smirk as his little evil plan was now succeeded.

"Well, then, for now, let's sleep!" said Hua Cheng, cuddling his husband.

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