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The air was cool and light, there was a gentle breeze blowing, rusting through the leaves and creating a smoothing sound the evening sun cast long shadows on the ground. The slanting rays of the setting sun gave a warm tinge to the sky. The sky was ablaze with the fire of the setting sun. It was a moment to cherish, a moment of peace that will linger your heart. The night sky was shining with bright city lights ,four males walks towards.

"Senior Wei do you think that this is related to the Ghosts?" asked Lan jingyi curiously while walking ahead.

"What are you talking about?" asked Wei wuxian.

"I mean do you actually believe that things like Ghosts exists" said Lan jingyi while praying to the 33 GODS that there will be no Ghosts as he is afraid of them badly. I mean enough to pass out.

"Yes, they do!" replied Wei wuxian looking at his husband who was silently walking beside them.

"Mn!" replied Lan zhan with the same cold face.

"A-niang is always right so, Ghosts do exists." said Lan sizhui giving his mother's a soft smile and Jingyi goosebumps.

"Aww my little radish you're getting way to similar to your a-die said Wei wuxian laughing dramatically making his son and blush. Lan zhan smile fondly at his family while Jingyi was praying for his life safety.


"Gege let's go!" said Hua cheng, going to Nightless city as it's evening already and he is in his San lang form.

"San lang there is also some others coming!" said Xie lian giving a awakward smile.

"Who?" asked Hua cheng.

"Here's brother in law!" said Shi Qingxuan smiling appearing into thin air in his female form.

"You are here?" Hua cheng glared at his sister in law.

"How could you plan a trip without us?" questioned Shi qingxuan with a big pout.

"Us? there is also someone else?" asked Hua cheng who was annoyed at that point.

"Well I am also here!" said both Mu qing and Feng xin together.

"San lang they were here to visit us. I told them about the matter now they wants to join us." explained Xie lian everything, before his husband could asked.

"Can't I?" asked Shi qingxuan with a sad face.

"Why not, ofcourse IN LAWS " said Hua cheng sulking with a thought 'forgot about honeymoon' .

"Okay then let's goooo!" said Shi qingxuan as she was excited for trip.

And they disappear into the air appearing in front of the entrance of Nightless city.

Nightless City was, where the residence of Qishan wen sect. Nightless city gained it's name from saying that there was no nightfall in their residence. It was also known as Immortal capital.

[Nightless City]

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[Nightless City]

Hualian was observing the new place, Mu qing and Feng xin was bickering at each other while Shi qingxuan was quite enjoying as it has been a long time since she visited a new place.

"Let's try this!" exclaimed Shi qingxuan running towards street food stalls both pairs of males followed her.

"This one and that one also!" said Shi qingxuan giggling asking them to pay.

"Mmm the food here is so good" said Shi qingxuan fastly eating cífàntuán (thick rice balls).

"Easy sister in law no one is going to snatch it" said Hua cheng trying to taunt her as she ruined his plan not only this one but she ruins most of his plans.

"It's also taste good! Here's, try this..." said Xie lian as he gave other males tánghúlú (candied fruit on sticks) .

"That's all, let's rest for today!" said Shi qingxuan, stretching her waist.

"But we didn't anything!" said Mu qing.

"It's almost night time let's rest please." said qingxuan acting all tired.

"I think we should rest today.." said Feng xin agreeing with a damsel in distress.

After looking for about twenty minutes they finally found a Guest house, they went inside. It was kind of merged of restaurant and guest house as in ground floor there was a restaurant and on upper floors there were rooms for guests.

"We need four rooms!" said Hua cheng to the man at reception.

"Young master seems like you are new here." said the man while giving him key's of rooms.

"Yes we are here for a trip!" said Shi qingxuan from behind Hua cheng.

"Oh! You can rest we will send you dinner in rooms if you want?" questioned the man with a polite smile.

"Yes, just send it!" said Hua cheng, taking his Gege upstairs, leaving his in laws there alone.

"Well mine too!" said Feng xin also going upstairs .

"No way let's dinner here!" said Shi qingxuan, pulling Mu qing with her.

𝐇𝐮𝐚 𝐘𝐢𝐧𝐠 [] 𝐘𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐏𝐚𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐡 ✓Where stories live. Discover now