syvion redesign :D

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if anyone recognizes him, congrats you're one of the ogs! if you don't, that's fine he's an old oc i don't really talk abt anyways :) (also don't mind if you don't know what im talking abt, it's mostly just for me anyways lmao)

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if anyone recognizes him, congrats you're one of the ogs! if you don't, that's fine he's an old oc i don't really talk abt anyways :) (also don't mind if you don't know what im talking abt, it's mostly just for me anyways lmao)

anyways!! here's my boy syvion, all prim and proper <3 mostly bc of one of his allies named penelope!!

little bit about him, he's the leader of a resistance against his mother (scorch), called the izü trûm's (mimic anarchists)! he's the second champion of amari, the goddess of time, and known as a "false champion" as he only gained the powers of prophet by killing the previous champion, chronos! he's a death caller (otherwise known as a jú), and got scarred heavily as a punishment from his mother when refusing to fight his friend, aggaros, to the death. also he doesn't like wearing shoes bc they're uncomfortable and most don't fit him properly (as he's TALL. like 10'5)

uh yeah!!! anyways, i have a lot about him as he and his friends plagued my mind for like. a year. but uh,, here are some other vers :)

without lighting –

without lighting –

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sketch –

old design –

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old design –

andd that's it!! bye :)

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andd that's it!! bye :)

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