smut one

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Jake: tall, scronny guy with autism and is very nerdy with brown hair and eyes
Alisa: short, black light skin, fluffy hair, green eyes black hair

Jake was cleaning up after a team event with Alisa his girlfriend and asked her a question "your parents gonna make it in time today?" "No" she replied "they don't get off till later tonight" "mine too" Jack said as he continued to clean "sounds like were going to hang around for a while then" "sounds nice" Alisa said "means I don't have to worry about people stareing when I kiss you" Alisa said with a seductive tone in her voice she liked to tease Jack he was easy to fluster after all Jack blushed "don't threaten me with a good time" Jack rebutted snickering "don't threaten me with a good time my ass" Alisa replied mildy annoyed "what about it" Jack responded "what about what?" Alisa said confused "you said my ass so I asked what about it" Andy chuckled Jack had a tendency to take things literally "oh nothing Jack don't worry about it" Andy winked at him "if you say don't worry about it I'm going to worry about it moorree" Jack responded jokingly though he was only half joking Alisa puts there hands on there hips "there all done cleaning" Alisa said "that means we can actually hang out now!" Jack responded Alisa sat down in one of the seats and Jack sat in a different seat but got as close as he could to Alisa without it being to close "hey you know we're going to be alone for a while together so we could do something fun~" Alisa said having something not particularly holy in mind "what do you mean?" Jack responded having the point go over his head Alisa sighed"maybe I should just show you" Alisa pulled Jack by the collar down so they are face to face and kisses them repeatedly on the lips Jack is caught completely of guard and sinks into his seat more so Alisa has better access as she continues to kiss him "that's what I ment darling~" Alisa said her breath hot "oh" Jack said "can I have some more?" Jack asked embarrassed even though he had been dating her for over a year "oh I'm just beginning baby~" Alisa said pulling Jack into a long continuous kiss Jake had eventually fallen to his knees which put Alisa higher than him since he was now about chest height "oh lookey what we have here" Alisa said her breath hot and raspy "a man on his knees for a woman~" Jack only sat there on his knees ready for Alisa's next move Alisa pulled Jack into a kiss now needing to pull him up twords her Jack tried to take a breath during the kiss just for it to be replaced with Alisa's tongue clashing with his and exploring his mouth causing him to moan lightly "good boy" Alisa said between tongue clashes causing Jack to make a whimpering sound after a bit longer Alisa had to pull back she was out of breath both her and Jack sat there for a while while catching there breath Alisa broke the silence "i want to move to the next step" "what do you mean?" Jack asked "hikies dummy we've talked about it before" Alisa responded "oh sorry" Jack apologized "your alright dear" Alisa gave Jack a forehead kiss "now come sit in my lap~" "yes ma'am" Jack quickly responded and sat in Alisa's lap "good boy~" Alisa whispers in Jack's ear causing him to shudder before Alisa shoved there tongue back in his mouth causing him to make small sounds but before Jack could respond Alisa pulled away and started to kiss his jaw and neck causing him to stretch out his neck so Alisa could have better access which she took full advantage of and without warning she bit down on his neck just a little nibble but it still caused a gasp from Jack "like that pretty boy?~" Alisa said before she started biting all over his neck causing him to wriggle and moan Jacks breath was getting hot and it was getting stramy in the room and just before Alisa could bite down for a hickey jacks phone goes off abruptly jack grabs his phone and reads a text "what does it say?" Alisa asked "is your mom here?" "No" Jack responded "she said that the storm outside has gotten bad enough were they are shutting down roads for the night" "oh my god" Alisa responded worried "wait doesn't that mean I get you all night?~" Alisa's quick change in tone caught Jack off guard and caused him to blush Alisa had some things planned for him "shall we continue~" Alisa said Jack just noded before Alisa stood up abruptly causing Jack to fall on his back "what was that for?" Jack asked very confused "so I can pin you to the ground silly~" Alisa sat in Jack's stomach not putting her full weight so he can still breathe and she bent down and grabbed jacks hands and pinned them above his head Jack is blushing profusely Alisa has never pinned him before mostly because of the height difference but Jack was very into it nonetheless "you know maybe it's time I left a mark on you pretty boy~" Alisa said "maybe here~" she sensually touched Jack's neck causing him to shudder Alisa bent down onto Jack and started sucking on his neck Jack was completely new to this feeling Alisa seemed like they had some experience under there belt Jack moans when Alisa pulls away leaving the hikie to open air "good boy~" Alisa said jack blushes and looks at something behind Alisa a bit worried "what is it dear~" Alisa asked "oh nothing important" Jack responded Alisa looked behind them anyway noticing a noticeable lump on his groin "oh my somebody is excited~" alisa played it off but shes panicking internally "lets focus on that later~" she pokes his nose "for nooww why dont we continue were we were~" Alisa bent down and continued to give Jack multiple hickeys "it's getting hot in here" Jack said he was sweating a bit but it wasn't because the room was warm it was because the situation was steamy "well maybe you should take that thick shirt off~" Alisa said biting there lip Jack had never showed off his body but it seems like hes open to it this time "m-maybe i should" Jack said nervously alisa let up so Jack could do what he needed he sat up and took off his shirt his body is skinny and his ribs are fairly prominent though he isnt too skinny hes still healthy though all Alisa could see was beauty "wow" Alisa said "you look amazing" "oh you dont mean that" Jack said bashfully "i know I'm not all that" "you are to me" Alisa said giving him a kiss tracing his body with her fingers causing Jack to shiver and blush "now a good boy and stay still~" before jack new it he was pinned to the ground again as alisa kissed them repeatedly before saying "you know its only fair if we keep the same amount of clothes on~" flashing jack with her stomach a bit "what do you think pretty boy?~ should i keep it even?~" "isnt it a lot different for femails to take of there shirt I don't want to maje you uncomf-" Alisa put her finger on his lips "i didnt ask if I was comfortable with it im asking if you are~" jack is flabbergasted and just simply nods "good boy~" Alisa said in Jack's ear as she slowly lifted her shirt off and threw it on the floor revealing there  black bra Jack had never seen a bra on a woman before and it was clear because he couldn't stop staring as much as he tried his eyes always fell back onto them "like what you see?~" Alisa said seductively "maybe you should get thr full veiw~" alisa puts her hands behind her back and removes thr straps with an audible click she holds the main part of her bra on by holding it in place with her hands "you ready?~"
Without warning she removes her hands the bra dropping to the floor revealing the entirety of her breasts jack turns bright red "oh my" Jack said breathless his hands raising slightly seems like he wants to touch something "oh you want to feel?~" Alisa said seductively "they are quite soft I must say~" Alisa started kneeding her breasts to show how soft they are Jake raised his hands to touch them but hesitated "oh just do it dear~" Alisa said a little impatient grabbing one of Jack's hands and putting it in her breast "isn't it nice~" Alisa said Jack was just frozen but after a second or two he raised his other hand anf grasped her breasts lightly "l-like this?" Jack said giving them a squeeze "HHhhnm~ do that again~" Alisa said jack squeezed them again causing her to moan again Jack continued to squeeze and knees her breasts till they were laying on the ground with Jack above them "P-please don't stop~" Alisa said a little desperate "wasn't planning on it darling~" Jack gave them another tight squeeze causing Alisa to moan loudly Jack bent down to Alisa's ear and whispers "look who's bottom now~" Jack snickered "sh-shut up~" Alisa said "make me~" Jack responded squeezing her again causing her to melt even more and moan she moves one of her hands down out of Jack's sight "what are you doing there?~" Jack looks down to see Alisa touching herself "i-im sorry I couldn't help it~" Alisa said ashamed "now dear that's completely ok~" Jack said "were here to have a good time after all~" Jack kissed Alisa deeply wrapping his arms around her neck and forcing his toung inyo his mouth Alisa couldn't help but realize some steam by groping her own breast and touching herself with the other hand "somebody's getting excited~" Alisa just nods while breathing heavily jack gets an idea "how about i help you down there~" this shocked Alisa but she aggred nonetheless after all she was really fucking horny right now and from the sound of it so was Jack "in that case let's get rid of this pesky barrier~" jack said as he moved down to were his head was pelvis area "before i do anything do i have your consent this may escalate further i just want to know if your ok with this" Alisa simply noded happily before jack unbuttoned her pants and pulled them off leaving her in just her panties and tossing her pants to the side "do you want these off too?~" jack said Alisa nodded slowly jack pulled iff her panties off slowly revealing her lady part jack was wide eyed both him and alisa were virgins this is the furthest they have gone with anybody "let's just take this part nice and slow" Jack said while slowly inserting his middle and ring finger into her "does this feel good?" Jack is sounding less sure of himself and was pulling his fingers in and out slowly Alisa was loving it and said "f-faster~" Jack obliged and started moving his fingers faster causing Alisa to moan and start to reach her climax "OH OH YES PLEASE MMMMM~" Alisa said as Jack pushed them closer to there climax they kept going and going and going and... Jack pulled his fingers out right before Alisa got her satisfaction "ohh what pleaseee moree" Alisa said with a whiney tone "not yet dear~" Jack said "I want to you last longer than that~" he whispered as he licked his lips that was in her causing her to blush wildly "now should I use my fingers again orr are you wanting something else~" he said while putting his middle and ring finger on the corners of his mouth and putting his tongue out "i-i-i- want that" Alisa said "want what dear use your words~" jack said "y-y-your tounge" Alisa said embarrassed Jack gave her a kiss "good girl~"  he said as he moved her body into a position were her head was close to the ground laying on her arms but her ass was in the air for easy access she wiggles her behind "eat up pretty boy~" Alisa said trying to be the top again jack was shocked but whent in anyway licking at her she was moaning and he stuck his tongue in ans started exploring her inside with his toung "HNNhnm ooo that's it dear go deeper~" she said while leaning back a bit pressing her against his face more "actually this is pretty uncomfortable i better take a seat~" she said while leaning back enough were she sat down on his face causing his toung to go deeper  and her to moan "hnnmm like it down there?~" alisa said jack just put a simple thumbs up "good~" Alisa said dominantly she started to ride his face rubbing herself back and fourth on his face moaning the entire way untill jack tapped her ass a few times but she didn't notice he tapped again no responce just more moaning and rubbing about to run out of air he had an idea he bit her lady part lightly wich caused a loud moan and her to not fully sit down letting him breath "im sorry dear i got a bit into it~" alisa said jacks face was soaked after all alisa was really wet "your fine dear im into that~" jack said "but i like breathing too-" "well im sorry dear" Alisa said noticing the lump has returned in his pants "you know I said we shoud keep an even amount of clothing~" Alisa said biting there lip getting an idea "yeah I do remember" Jack responded realization not hitting him yet "well im naked so do you know that means" alisa said looking back at him the realization hit him like a truck he's now bright red he just simply nods as alisa goes down to his pants leaning over him with her ass still above his face she undoes his pants and pulls them off with his underwear leaving him exposed "now i know i said i wouldn't do this till i graduate but this is an exception~" Alisa said while putting him in her mouth bobing her head slightly jack is moaning and bright red Alisa drops her butt lower and jack starts fingering her again but faster this time causing her to loose focus and get him out of her mouth but in reality she was talking a breath so she can take him deeper than before "s-stop i-im about to-" jack struggled to try to finish his sentence all of his focus was on not finishing "then dont dear~ if you can hold out ill give you a reward~" Alisa said seductively  continuing what she was doing "y-yes m-ma'am" Jack respoded shakily as alisa continued jack could feel himself loosing control but just before he finishes Alisa stoped "good boy~" Alisa said turing him "now~ do you know what your reward will be?~" Jack shook his head "ill just have to show you~" alisa said while positioning herself above jacks pelvis were he will enter her "are you ready baby?~" Alisa said jack just nodded she lowerd herself onto Jack slowly reaching the lowest she could go after a minute breathing heavily she slowly went up and down enjoying the motions aftet a little while "f-faster P-please~" Jack said between breaths "a- absolutely love~" Alisa said trying to keep there cool speeding up with jack going in and out of Alisa she kept speeding up over time getting Jack deeper in her on every time down untill she was hitting jack on the way down making a clapping sound the room was full of moaning foe what felt like ages until Jack said "I'm about to c-cum y-you n-need to get of~" "I'm on the pill dear~" Alisa said while going faster until jack filled her up with his semen


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2023 ⏰

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