Chapter 2 (JK pov)

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The maid places breakfast in front of me but I'm too angry to notice.

"I told you, I'm not coming," I say to my dad who is seated across from me at the far end of the dining table.

"It will be a good idea to get some experience Jungkook. You need to learn how the company works. The meeting barely lasts 30 minutes, you can leave once it's over," dad replies, eyes on his phone.

He's not even listening to me. Does he even care about what I want?

I stand up abruptly, pushing against the chair and clenching my fists. My father looks up.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see the maids shifting on their feet uncomfortably, probably worried I might snap.

Calm down Jungkook.

I take a deep breath and relax my hands.

"I'm not hungry," I say before leaving the room without another word. I can feel the tears welling up in my eyes, threatening to fall over. 

I have to get out of here. 

I begin to run as fast as I can. I have no idea where I'm going but I keep running for a long time, until it hurts to breathe.

Mom used to tell me that it helps to run whenever you feel like crying. And she was right, it did help. I could feel the anger and rage washing over me like waves.

After some time I stop running and bend over, trying to catch my breath. My throat feels dry so I decide to head to the convenience store.


I sit on the swing and gulp down the drink in my hand.  It always feel better after drinking banana milk. 

I'm at the park now, trying to kill time before I have to go home. Hopefully dad will be gone by then. I don't want to face him. My dad and I get along most of the time, but whenever he brings up anything related to his company I get angry.

This would have never happened if mom was here. With her, everything was perfect. We both were doing just fine back then. Her death put a lot of strain on our relationship. It's like he's trying to erase everything that reminds him about mom, starting with me. 

I hear someone humming. I turn around to see Shortie from the convenience store walk into the cafe. 

I suddenly feel a pang of guilt in my stomach after seeing her. I shouldn't have been rude to her. I keep the banana milk aside and watch her as she talks to the owner of the cafe.

 I'm sure I've never seen her before around here, well if you exclude her shivering like a leaf when I was running earlier. 

She must be new. But for some reason, her face looks familiar. I can't get that thought out of my head. 

Where have I seen her before?

My phone starts ringing in my pocket. I take it out and see that Mingyu is calling me.


"Jungkook-ah have you been reading the texts in the group?" Mingyu asks, in the middle of a yawn.

"No. You know I never read texts and did you JUST wake up?"

"Yep, don't judge Kookie. Anyway, there are rumors going on in school about a new student joining."

"A new student, at this time of the year?," I say raising an eyebrow.

"Exactly! A couple of months and we'll be seniors. Who in there right mind transfers schools now?"

"They must have a good reason, and it's not our business Mingyu. How's Bam? Did you feed him properly? Is he still in one piece?"

"Of course Jungkook. Don't worry, I'll give him back to you today evening. Although I have to say, I think Bam likes me more than you."

I can hear him grinning as he says that.

"I HIGHLY doubt that. Remember that time when you came over and farted in my room, and Bam immediately ran out like his tail was on fire? Pretty sure he still holds a grudge against you for that, I mean who wouldn't? That was NASTY."

"That was a long time ago Jungkook, we've bonded now."

"Uh-huh, anything else?"

"Yeah, coach said that we'll be playing against a team from Seoul in a couple of months. Apparently they're very good. We'll have to discuss about our practice timings and strategies."

"Don't sweat about it too much Mingyu, we can take them. Tell all the boys to change and come to the basketball court tomorrow after school. "

"Aye-Aye captain. By the way, do you think this new student will be a cute girl? Maybe I'll have a chance to win the heart of the new girl."

"Unless she's blind, it's a long shot Mingyu. I'm hanging uuuuuup," I say and cut the call, chuckling when I hear him arguing. 

Sighing, I look at the cafe Shortie's in. 

When I first saw her trying to reach the banana milk, I thought she was some kid from middle school because of her height. When I actually saw her, I knew I was wrong. 

She looks like a little kid but the bags under her eyes and the tortured look in her face are enough proof that she's a high school student.

"New student huh? Could it be..."

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