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it was cold.

goosebumps spread throughout your body as you jolts awake, wincing at the cold stone pressed upon your body. your mind was a blur, how did you get here? you bring your hands into your sight as you look at them wide eyed.

is this real life?

cuts were littered onto your body, how and when did they get there? you have no idea.

"what are you doing?! get up!"

a male voice yelled out to you. you put your hands by your side, finally taking in your surroundings. there was rubble everywhere, and it was like a building had collapsed. a sign that read "green home mansion apartments" stood there, covered in weeds and moss.

wait. green home apartments..?

"hey! can you hear me? are you trying to die?"

the man runs up to you, grabbing your arm and pulling you up. your mind seemed absent, and you felt like you were missing something but you didn't know what.

you let out a gasp as you are pulled away by the tall man. you eyed his army green uniform, a soldier?

"miss! can you hear me? how long have you been here for? we need to get you some help."

the soldier placed you down into a truck, shaking your shoulders slightly as he spoke.

"n-no...i don't remember."

you shake your head slightly, trying to clear your confusion.

"who are you? whats happening?"

you feel overwhelmed and confused, and the fog in your mind is making it difficult to process what's going on. you look over at the soldier, hoping that he can provide some answers to your questions.
the soldier glances over at you, his expression empathetic.

"look miss, we need to get you to help. you're hurt and you seem dazed from what happened back there."

you look away and furrow your brows, as if you are thinking very hard to answer his question.

"do you have any idea of who you are or how you ended up in this mess? did you lose your memory?"

you look away, not wanting to face his questions. you feel overwhelmed and confused, and you sense that he is growing impatient with your silence.

you look back, examining his appearance. hes wearing a army green uniform, and he has a name tag on his chest that reads;

park chan-young.

"we can talk about this later then, when your mind clears up. for now, stay in the back seat. dont do anything crazy, alright?"

you nod in agreement, wanting to respect the soldiers authority. you take a seat in the back of the truck. you keep your gaze out the window as the ride progresses. the enviroment looks darker and colder than what you remember, which is unusual.

"excuse me sir. im sorry if i sound dumb by asking this..but whats going on..? where is everyone?"

you turn your gaze to the soldier sitting in the front seat. he glances in the mirror to look at you.

"you really don't know? the powers out, and theres monsters everywhere. no one knows who or what caused it."

"monsters... are you serious?"

your mind feels even more cloudier and confused as you try to process this new information. you began to consider whether the soldier might be making some kind of joke, or if he actually believes that there are monsters outside. you look out the window again, still noticing how dark it is outside.

"you're not making this up, are you?"

you ask slowly, still hoping the soldier will confirm your suspicions that he's not being serious.

The soldier looks back at you with an exasperated expression.

"miss, trust me, I wish I was making this up, but it's real. we don't have time to waste, we need to keep you and everyone else out of danger."

as he speaks, you feel a sinking feeling in your stomach, as it dawns on you that the soldier might be telling the truth. but you're still not sure how to believe the words coming out of his mouth.

"if there really are monsters out there... what do they look like?" you ask cautiously him.

the soldier takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly. "they come in all shapes and sizes, we can't really pin it down," he says with a grim expression. "some are animal-like, some are human-like, and some are straight out of nightmares. you've got to trust me when I say you don't want to find out what they look like."

you are about to respond when suddenly a loud bang is heard from outside of the truck. the soldier glances out the windshield, a look of concern on his face.

"miss, i need you to stay quiet" he whispers urgently.

you sit in stillness, holding your breath, and you can hear the soldier pull out his weapon and cock it.

"get ready," he mouths silently.

you feel the truck come to a sudden stop, and as you look out the windshield, you notice that a group of monsters are surrounding the vehicle. the soldier raises his gun and fires at the monsters, as they start to lunge towards the truck.

bewitched ☆ - cha hyunsu x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now