The journey of Healing from hidden pain

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When we're in the midst of change, it's easy to overlook just how far we've come. Sometimes, we even catch ourselves wondering why we chose this path in the first place. But my friend, that's all part of the journey, a journey towards healing.

Let's be real here – the path to healing is no walk in the park. It's tough, full of twists and turns. You can be on cloud nine one moment, and the next, life throws a curveball that knocks the wind out of you. It's bewildering, right? How you can shift from your highest mental state to the lowest of lows in the blink of an eye. But here's the thing: those moments of descent make you appreciate the good times even more. Failure? It's like a spotlight on your growth, a sign that you've been changing for the better all along, healing, even when you didn't realize it. And that's what gives you the strength to keep going on this journey. It's what nudges you back to those small habits, what prompts you to start fresh each day. And that is RESILIENCE , my friend.

So, if you're on your own healing journey and you find yourself slipping back into old habits from time to time, don't beat yourself up. It's totally normal. Your body and mind need time to adjust to the new you, those fresh habits and states. And hey, don't get angry with yourself for falling back into those old routines. Understand that they were your go-to responses to stress and pain for a long time. You can't just hit the erase button and make them disappear forever. Instead, try to figure out what triggered that return to the old you. Why did you slip? Then, be kind to yourself. Explain gently that those old coping mechanisms no longer serve you; they do more harm than good. No matter what, don't lose sight of self-love. Even when you stumble and fall, love yourself, especially when you're feeling low. After a pause for reflection, get back on that healing journey. Start again from the beginning. Trust me, with each setback, you learn something new. And when you pick up where you left off, it's like another chance to make progress. Think of it as a war – the real victory lies in the overall journey, not the individual battles. So, don't be afraid to fail, fail, and fail again until you ultimately succeed.

Best of luck to you all, and take good care of yourself, your inner self, especially. I genuinely mean it. :*

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2023 ⏰

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