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DISCLAIMER!!!! There's a mention of dicks and drvgs 😦

As I walked back inside the hotel, I felt myself calming down more instead of completely jittering like I was before, still slightly twitching, though.

I noticed that, even though I was just in Test Tubes lab for a moment, all of a sudden the hotel was as lively as a was before except everyone (who was present) were too tired or just half energized weren't doing any of the normal screaming and arguments that happen when I'm awake.. But, to be fair, I do wake up in the afternoon.

I'd make my way to the couch and grab the remote that was lodged between the cushions like someone tried to hide it, flipping through channels until I eventually just found some childrens programs. I did usually enjoy kid shows more than some adult ones, so why not watch whatever this was? I'd shrug and place the remote down, and start watching.

About 10 minutes in, I was really enjoying everything so far until I felt someone tap my shoulder.

"What're you doing?" Oh boy, of course it was Trophy. I wanted to drop my smile so badly just by his presence, but I couldn't.. I guess Testy's thing was workin'.

"Nothing. Just watching TV! What's up?" I'd tilt my head, sounding very polite since I didn't really wanna be mean to the guy. What if he just was curious on what I was watching and wanted to join?

"Yeah, no shit. I mean, why a kids show? Isn't that a little immature?"

"A little. But, I like the plot of this one! Even if I just found it."

"What do you mean "plot"?? It's just some lovey dovey animals going on some little adventures. I doubt there's hardly any plot there aside for "Oh, boo-hoo! I broke something I loved dearly! What will I do?" And having to get their little dog mommy to fix it for them." He.. Wasn't wrong.. But if this show wasn't really for him, he should just ignore it. I mean, I'm the one watching it, it's not like he's being forced to watch it with me.

"Yeah.. But I like it! So, why does it matter?"

"Maybe because you're a grown woman? Seriously, don't you think it's time to grow up instead of watching.."
He'd look up at the TV, looking both confused and skeptical. "This?"

"...Don't you have better things to do than trash the things I like, Mr. Manly man? You have a phone. Go watch North Playground or whatever instead of wasting your time over here trying to convince me that what I like is just for little kids, m'kay? Also, doesn't Cheesy still watch some kid shows or is he just an exception to you?" I'd look him dead in the eye and he'd look offended, yet not saying a word. I think he was mainly annoyed how I kept smiling throughout that little rant. I hope I don't look mean right now..

He was still quiet, angrily stomping off. I wonder what even compelled him to try and trash talk to me? What was the reason? What purpose did that serve? I'd roll my eyes and continue to watch my show, glad to have at least not be getting disturbed anymore.

..I don't know if I'm just being distracted by the show, but I'm starting not to feel much already. I guess it's kinda like drugs, since it technically *is* drugs... Hopefully these aren't highly addictive! Testy would never give me even one if they were addictive! But, Trophy did kinda bum me out... Maybe I should take just one more and then call it quits for today!

I'd look around to see if anyone was approaching, or paying attention to me at all. It seemed I was in the clear, so, I'd take the pill and just swallow it.. I'm probably fine without water. It couldn't be too bad to take it by itself!.. I feel great. Actually, very great! Maybe I should take a walk instead of watching cartoons! Man, I could take Baxter with me too! Yeah, yeah. That's what I'll do! I just need to ask Painty if I can see my sweet lil' baby boy!

..Where even are they?


I'd walk up to their rooms door, knocking on it repeatedly. "PAINTY!! Open the FRIGGIN' DOOR!"

The door opened, but it wasn't Paintbrush.. Fan.

"Um, hey, Lightbulb? What's up?" He asked, slightly tilting his head like a dog. Damn, I was kinda hopin' to see Painty instead.. But, I could still probably get Baxter just fine

"Nothin', I just wanted to get my son!"

"..Who now?"

"...Baxter. I meant Baxter. You should know that I think he's basically my son by now, Fanboy!" I'd walk inside, walking towards his tank and picking him up. "Aww, hiii buddy! Has Painty been treating you well and like a son tooo?"

"Er- Lightbulb, while you're over there baby-talking your crab, I do think I should ask if you even asked Paintbrush if you could borrow him..? Or whatever custody thing you two do?"

"It's not a custody thing! It's called co-parenting, something you should be very aware of."

He looked a little off to the side, nodding a little "Well.. Yeah, you're not wrong- But this isn't about me right now! You still haven't answered me. Does Paintbrush know you're taking Baxter to do something?"

"Nahhh, but you can tell 'em! I'm sure they won't mind! I'm just takin' him for a walk!" I'd grin widely, petting Baxters shell.

"Do crabs.. Even need walks?" He'd squint in confusion, scratching the back of his head.

"Noooo! But, I need a tiny walking buddy! Plus, he needs to get out of his tank once in a while."


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"Right.. I'll tell Paintbrush that you took him since you're so insistent. You sure you couldn't just text them?" He'd being up a.. Pretty good point. I could've just at least told them I was gonna come to their room for Baxter, even if they were there.

"I didn't expect to see you here instead! I mean, who warns anyone when they're coming to their room here?"

"...Everyone but you." He'd reply bluntly, putting a hand on his hip.. Sassy man.

"You weren't supposed to answer that.." I'd roll my eyes, but it felt weird when I did so. I'd put one of my hands over my eye, rubbing it to sate the strange feeling, barely working. "Look, just do the thingy, we can't keep this filler conversation with a little bit of foreshadowing going. I'll be back in a little bit!" I'd smile at him wider despite not intending to, my cheeks beginning to hurt

"Fil- Foreshad- WHAT-?"


"PAPER DICK?????" He shouted in confusion as I cackled and ran out of the room, and outside, earning me a few confused, concerned and indifferent stares when I made my way downstairs.

(A/N: yeah ok I ended this chapter early I didn't know what the hell to do with this I'm getting a little bored and I do NOT wanna start rewriting this chapter 😂😂 anyways 💢🛌)

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