Chapter 1: A Heist & Lights

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“How dare you talk to me like that! Did you forget who you're talking to?! I’m your fucking BOSS!!!” I threw my arms into the air as I lashed out at those two. I was pissed off. Conner tried to shrink while looking at the ground, and Kaitlin's ears flattened on her head.

I glared at the two and sighed. “Maybe stop acting like idiots and listen when Orb talks, alright?” The two nod, and apologize to Elena.

“You see him up there on the bakery roof?” Elena said, flicking her head towards him while giving me a worried look. “Yea?” “I think he called back-up, I can hear the whistling of LadyBirds' wings.” “It’ll be fine, she's been with Glider the entire time.” “And you didn't think to tell me?” “I had thought you knew already.”

We looked at each other, and why she was worried clicked in my head. I looked at her, and I told her “Welp, time to play~” I chuckled while I shove my pointer into the air. I yelled out, “Release the Atom!!!” I then laughed, with Elena holding me up. She was giggling with me, but that woman's giggling made me remember that I was supposed to be Shade right now, not Ein. I made myself get up and stop laughing, simply smirking about what I just said.

Elena and I walked towards our main reason for being on the other side of the town, from our hideout at least, the bank that Kaitlen works at. At least, when she's not being the villain Kit.

This bank was on the rich side of town, I’m still surprised that they pay people so much to work there. The place looked like the USA’s White House, and yet it also looked like a traditional Japanese building. It was renovated about 3 months ago, they gave it that White House feel and kept most of the old looks from the structure.

I walked in and it was bright, the entire place was illuminated. Why do... oh wait. I forgot we attacked this place before, and they saw what I could do. I mentally facepalmed, and walked up to the cashier, taking a pistol out of my duffle bag. I held it up to his face, and in the coldest voice, I could muster. “Show us the vault with the gold in it.”

This man shook enough that Elena laughed a bit, and she was all the way across the bank, with a civilian in her arm like she was about to snap their neck.

He got up and went to show us where it was. “Stay here, understand Orb?” She nodded and looked out the window. ”Come on Kit, we have gold to get.” Kaitlen walked with me to the vault, the fur on the back of her neck raised, and she hissed out, “This isn't the way to the vault, does he think he’s doing?” I chuckled, and the man realized that we knew the vault wasn't where he was leading us.

“Did you really think you could trick us? What a fool. You're lucky that we need you for the vault code,” I gave a second for suspense, god I love this job. “Or you would be dead.”

The man slowly turned around, and finally showed us the vault after 4 agonizing minutes of walking. He put in the four codes. Did they really need that many codes just for one vault? When he was done, I shot him in the head.

“Really boss?” Kaitlen looked at me, annoyed. “What?” I tilted my head like I did nothing wrong. “Did you need to do that?” “No~”  “Then why did you do this?” She waved a paw at the dead body in front of us. “No witnesses~” I smiled at Kaitlen. “Really boss?” “Yes~” Kaitlen sighed, and put her paw on the top of her muzzle. “What did Orb Master say about unnecessary killing?” “But he could have told them how much we took!”  ”Let's just go and get that gold.”

I loved how dark it was in the vault, with my power came endless nights of training the night vision that my family was given. I've studied my weaknesses, and have learned how to use them to my advantage. I walked toward one pile of gold that seemed off, and when I realized why it was off, all the lights turned on at once, and I got temporarily blinded. This is why  Kaitlen grabbed me and ran, and right when I thought I’m good, I got hit in the head with what seemed to be a gun.

I get handed to Elena, and I hear her yell to Conner to get in the van. I heard Kaitlen enter the van, seemingly being the driver this time around, because I didn't hear the sound of the sliding door until Conner opened it for us.

Then they drove off, I wasn't even fully buckled yet.

I buckled myself, my vision was better now, but it wasn’t fully back yet. Everything was blurry, and Elena was helping me out.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2023 ⏰

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