Seven, Hot Pink Thong?

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( real life + messages )

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( real life + messages )


MAEBY HAD woken up with a killer headache. Silently cursing Kylie for continuing to pass her shots throughout the night, she groaned and rubbed her forehead. She could barely remember last night, once she had left her family she had spent the night walking in and out of several clubs alongside her friends and whoever they could rally up to join them for her birthday celebration. She loved it at the time, but now...she really, really regretted it.

"Fuck," She whispered to herself, throwing around a bunch of pillows trying to find her phone.

Then she paused.

This wasn't her room. These weren't her pillows. These weren't the four walls she had grown so accustomed to throughout the now 21 years of her life.

Once she found her phone she jumped up from the bed, throwing blankets and sheets around wildly. Where the hell was she?

She could remember only so much from the night before. The bright lights, the loud people, Twerking with Ophelia, flirting at the bar with Flora, dodging calls left and right. Last night had been fun. Maybe she had way too much fun.

Running a hand through her hair she glanced around the room, her eyes landing on the beside table with a tiny business card on it. A hotel. She was at a hotel. At what point last night did she end up at a hotel?

Then, her eyes landed on a hot pink thong on the floor near the door.

"Oh my God," Maeby whispered too herself. "Oh my God. Oh my God."

The thong.

Her skirt.


Before she could even properly put all the details together, the bathroom door to the room opened and Isis stepped out with a towel wrapped around her body. She smiled once she saw Maeby.


Maeby's stomach dropped, "Hey..."

( ☁️9️⃣ - FLO 🌸, OPH ⭐️, MAE 🧸 )

( ☁️9️⃣ - FLO 🌸, OPH ⭐️, MAE 🧸 )

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mae 🧸

flo 🌸

oph ⭐️

mae 🧸

flo 🌸


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