Chapter - 17

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Nobody's POV:

It has been a week since Minho and Seungmin started dating, both of them hung out together, playing games, watching movies and cuddled. The past week, Seungmin didn't see the black figure so he thought that he was safe and he wouldn't see it again. Minho protected Seungmin from any danger and took care of him well.

Meanwhile, Jeongin and Felix act awkward with each other. But it's mostly Jeongin who's flirting with Felix, making him flustered.

There wasn't any problems so far until today..

Minho's POV:

I was in the living room while Seungmin was sleeping in his room. I was just watching TV.

In the middle of watching a movie the screen started to glitch, I was confused why that happened, just when I was about to get up to see what's wrong with the TV, a picture of Jeongin appeared, at first the picture was normal but then Jeongin in the picture started to smile creepily and blood dripped from his eyes.

That freaked me out and my eyes widened. Then the picture disappeared and the lights went out. I became serious as I clenched my fists. There was definitely someone here.

"Who are you? It's not funny, if you're brave enough come in front of me." I said with a serious tone.

The next second, Jeongin appeared in front of me with the same face as in the picture. He looked like someone straight out of a horror movie.

I glared at him as I tried to grab him but he disappeared before I could lay a finger on him. Then I heard the bedroom door creaking. Oh no.. Seungmin.

I panicked as I ran up to Seungmin's room, the door was open, but Seungmin was not there..

"If you want him back, find me..."

A voice said in my head. 'No no no.. Not Seungmin..' I thought to myself as I panicked and frowned. There isn't anyone that can help me get him back.. I'll have to do it myself.

Seungmin's POV:

I woke up while sitting on a chair, I didn't know what was going on, I was blindfolded and couldn't see anything, I tried moving my arms but it was tied to the chair. I frowned as I tried to free myself.

"Hello!? Is anyone here?!.." I yelled, my voice was trembling as I was scared.

I then heard a chuckle from an unfamiliar voice.

"I finally found" A voice said.

Brother?.. Brother.. Jeongin.. Is it him?..

"J-Jeongin?.." I mumbled softly with a nervous voice. No.. It can't be him.. He's dead.. Jeongin's dead.. This is not him.. It can't be..

"You're so pathetic." The person said. I still couldn't see anything, I frowned as the voice was so familar.

Jeongin wouldn't do this to me.. He is innocent.. He died a long time ago too.

"it's me, Jeongin, Yang Jeongin."

It's him.

Tears started streaming down my cheeks as I frowned more, the blindfold got wet because of my tears.

How could he do this to me?.. I feel betrayed...

"I want to kill you, you MUST die..." Jeongin whispered into my ear.

Just then, I felt something sharp against my neck, I couldn't breath for a few seconds due to nervousness and fear. It was a knife, I held my breathe.

"You can't do this.. please.." I begged as more tears rolled down my cheeks. "Yes I can, and I will." Jeongin said with a serious and evil tone. I felt the knife having more pressure on my neck.

This is evil. He's evil, he's gone crazy.

Minho's POV:

I started to panick, I have looked everywhere but couldn't find Seungmin anywhere. I didn't want to lose him.. He is all I have..

I groaned as I was frustrated, there was one person I can go to.. He can help me.

I teleported to my best friend's base who I haven't seen in ages. As my friend saw me he looked shocked.

"Minho hyung? I haven't seen you in forever.. Where did you go?.." Hyunjin said with a shocked expression.

"Doesn't matter. I need you to track someone for me." I said casually as I walked towards him, "wait but-" Hyunjin started but I cut him off, "please, it's important, just do it."

Hyunjin frowned, "well alright I guess.. Who?" He asked. "Yang Jeongin" I said, his name coming out of my mouth makes me disgusted, I hated him so much. Hyunjin didn't know why Jeongin was so of course he didn't ask any questions and started tracking right away.

After the results came in, "Yang Jeongin is at ********" The place was somewhere I have heard of.

"Thanks, I'll see you again."

I smirked as I clenched my fists.

'I'm coming for you.. Jeongin..'


Hello, since I haven't published a chapter in forever, I felt bad for you guys waiting so I decided to write this for you y'all.

Yes I'm still injured but hey, I still have my left hand and my right thumb and index so I can write a chapter.

I'll try my best to write chapter 18 soon. But for now here's chapter 17, it's short but this is what I can give for now. Sorry..😓

Thank you for supporting me, stay safe and healthy, I love you all ❤

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