Tea/Katie never thought that when she and her absolute Sluts for friends accepted this like 4 dollar a week job they would actually accomplish something from it,or that anything would happen at all really.
December 6th,2023. Tea convinced her shit for Brain friends to get off their asses and work,How did Tea even get friends?? From her favorite server ofcourse,Fick Mitch Bitte.
"This job is ass,They said if I try Training the T-Rex im fired." Quinn,The town stripper and slut running 4 years voted top best Shlong complained.
"It's okay Quinn,You'll live." Amber,Who was best known for running around town naked holding up Akane signs says in response,Amber wanted nothing more than for Quinn's lips to be permanently sewed together.
While they had this whole conversation,Lovey,Town crack addict,was actively swinging from Vines in the dinosaur enclosure like fucking Tarzan. With star and Rain cheering her on,Fortunately,Star Threw a stick at Lovey,Causing her to loose her balance and slip from the rope,Falling into the T-Rex's Mouth like a fucking idiot,your ass is NOT trained in gymnastics.
"Oh wow. Do we report that??" Rain,Town..Turd farmer asked
"Nah,I think we're good. We don't have to feed the Short armed Penguin anymore atleast. It had a shit breakfast though,if I had to eat lovey I think I'd kill myself." Star says and Them and Rain walk away to the others.