Denial and acceptance

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Such a simple word yet so many meanings in it, Saiki refused, absolutely refused to give a name to whatever was happening to him, in everything he had experienced, he had very rarely felt nervous.

And of course the first time it happened, he felt nervous at being discovered as a psychic by the same boy who was having these complicated thoughts, or rather, feelings; but currently he was reluctant to give it a specific name. If it weren't for what he felt so strongly, he wouldn't have taken it seriously, but things got out of hand. Akechi began to have a lot of influence depending on how close they were, he began to feel nervous, out of nowhere he wanted to be closer to Touma and even clasp his hands in a way that he did not like at all, he began to have his guard up at everything. At this rate he could be knocked down with ease for being so focused on the talkative blonde, it seemed that his words captivated him and forced him to keep all his focus on him, he constantly cursed himself for it. But he always goes back like an infinite loop that, surprisingly, it seemed like it could never be stoped.

– "Saiki! Tell this pervert that his ghosts won't be of help to get girls! Do you never learn?!" – Aiura said in frustration, already having a head ache from trying to reason with Toritsuka

– "Tits will never know of how helpful ghost can be with chicks" – Toritsuka boasted confidently, in the process annoying the opponent with the nickname he had created himself.


– 'Good grief' – In a desperate attempt to prove the opposite, he had agreed to go for a walk with the two psychics, but not before having ordered a reasonable portion of coffee jelly, this being the only thing that still held him in his place, even So he was regretting agreeing to go with them, he decided that once he finished his dessert he would leave without prior notice.

And without trying to be cautious, he got up ready to leave, if it weren't for the fact that they were in a store he would have already teleported to his house, expectedly he was stopped by the same person who had invited him in the first place.

– "Going so soon? You just finished your food, why don't you stay for a bit more?" – Mikoto said with a softened tone, making an attempt at dog eyes for the psychic, he did not even react to the request and continued on his way out of the store.

– "You should be the one to learn how your 'puppy eyes' doesn't work on saiki" – The purple-haired one mocked, being reproached and hit by a hurted Mikoto for having been ignored so mercilessly.

After walking for a while and being sure that no one was watching him, Saiki teleported to his house, he thought a little about the small study he did, the feeling that came when Akechi was there did not happen at all that day, at the moment that Aiura had looked at him with pious eyes, he did not feel anything, on the one hand he expected it because he had no interest in his friend, but on the other hand he also confirmed that he only felt this when he was with Touma, which put him in checkmate, he imagined the same scenario but with the blonde smiling sweetly and his purple eyes narrowing, he got frustrated and pressed his temples while checking his body temperature, he loves Akechi and he was already exhausting himself from denying it so much. He didn't thought that the moment when he would finally admit it would come, he knew very well, from the beginning to the end that his behavior with Touma was different, he knew that he was special in one way or another, but he continued in denial and dragged himself down to this deadpoint.

Anyway, even though he accepted it doesn't mean he would confess, there was no way he would do it, it wasn't just the rejection but also his own relationship would be affected, this made him anxious, he came to an agreement to keep everything to himself, He would prefer things to stay as they are, he felt comfortable with that. The noise of different voices talking at the entrance of his house interrupted his concentration. Using Clavoyance, he was able to observe how the cause of all his problems was entering his house. The intruder was talking to his mother and was allowed a free pass inside. It didn't take him long to find out that Akechi had come to see him, he was alarmed to see how he began his way upstairs directly to his room, Saiki settled more comfortably in his seat and prepared himself once again for the blonde's arrival.

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