𝟓𝟖 || 𝐄𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞

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''I'm bringing bad news, brother" Angelo said as soon as he burst into my office while I was going through some documents. I looked up at him, relaxing back in the chair.

If Angelo barges into my office uninvited, then it's something important. He may be my right hand and brother by blood, but he knows that bursting into my office uninvited is strictly unacceptable.

Well, it's allowed only if Allyn is doing it, but he is not Allyn, so he has no damn right.

''I like starting my day with bad news" I replied sarcastically, crossing arms over my chest. It's only 10 in the morning and I want to finish faster so I can go home to my fiancée, not deal with idiots all fucking day.

Angelo sat down on the couch across from me, straightening his suit before giving me that look older brothers give you when you've messed up. Oh, that will be good.

"Looks like you've made some powerful enemies" he began, and I laughed at his choice of words.

Tell me something I don't know, Angelo.

Everyone hates The Kings because of the power we have. Not that I want to brag, but since Martin's death when me and Angelo took over the business, the King family has returned to the heights it belonged before Martin ruined everything.

It's been over a month now since I've been the head of the King family and Angelo is my right hand. We're doing better than Martin has done in years.

"Nothing that can't be fixed" I shook my head, my mind elsewhere "The easy or the hard way"

"You killed Garett Stone's son" he muttered disgruntled "I doubt you can fix this with negotiations"

"Then with violence, we will succeed"

Angelo sighed, slapping his forehead before running a hand through his hair. He so fucking done with me.

"You're going to be a goddamn father soon, I thought you got wiser, you idiot" he muttered, and I barely hid my smile "Violence is not the solution in this situation. We are trying to be better than our father. You took his son's life''

'"He tried to take Allyn away from me" I defended myself "His death is completely justified"

It's true, at least in my mind. I don't regret killing Theo Stone. The boy was too good for the life that his father kept trying to push him into, and they made the mistake of trying to take Allyn from me. Garett Stone himself caused his son's death by trying to arrange a marriage between him and my girl. Sooner or later he was going to get killed, I did him a favor.

"He's promising a war between our families, Maddox" he replied with a serious look "He wants you dead"

"Must get in line" I grinned at him

"It is said that after Theo Stone's death, Garrett made his newborn son, Dominic Stone the legal heir after him" I furrowed my eyebrows at his statement "When Dominic Stone grows up, there will be a war"

He wanted to scare me with his words, but he clearly doesn't know me well enough if he thinks he will succeed with that statement. I did hear about the birth of Garrett's other son- Dominic. He can try and make him a leader, but he's just an illegal bastard birthed from one of his whores he fucks behind his wife's back. That's not going to be a fucking leader, that's a joke.

𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐏𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐞 (𝟏𝟖+)Where stories live. Discover now