Chapter 1: A new beginning

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A.N: Best to read in black

⚠️ Disturbing imagery ⚠️


The same annoyingly familiar sound faintly resonated in my buzzing ears.


My breathing shallow as I stared up at the blurry bright ceiling. My weary eyes following the swift movements of a fly. Not like I could do much other than this since there were no other options to relieve this constantly itching boredom that engulfed me.


The flesh and blood prison that is my body unbearably ached all over and trapped me in the confines of this god awful pure white sterile bed.


Despite having all the time in the world to think, I just couldn't understand at all.... why. Why did those people that call themselves family stubbornly dragged this mangled body from hospital to hospital?

Especially when they already knew it was broken beyond repair and caused me greater anguish?

Is it the hope for a miraculous 'cure' that made them so.... determined to carry on...? Well it doesn't matter to me anymore since.... the enthusiasm inevitably faded away in the end after rounds and rounds of treatments resulting in utter failure.


Oh, I still remember those difficult days crystal clear and how much I resented them for it. Although I can't say I expected the fact they wouldn't even come to visit anymore. Who in their right minds would abandon their fragile and sickly daughter afterall?!

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

Urgh- Breathe in.... breathe out.... I should really calm down first and stop thinking about these anger inducing things but it's hard when your mind is completely saturated by them! Brain filled with thoughts of 'maybe I should have done this' or done that or acted less bratty about taking all those nauseating medications?

'If I wasn't such a burden then they probably wouldn't have left me...'

I kind of miss the company now that I don't have it.


My eyes went back to the small insect that was flying around me, repeatedly bumping against the glass window to leave. I watched as it temporarily gave up and landed on the yellowish petals of the partially withered bouquet of lilies on my nightstand to rest. Its form so small, insignificant and too powerless to gain it's freedom. Reminding me of myself in a bittersweet manner, but despite how weak the fly was.... it still stubbornly kept going, pushing through even when failing. That was probably our only difference. Makes me wonder each time.... If I was healthy- no.... if only I was just capable to move and talk as I pleased.... then....

'Would I have been able to become someone?'
'Would I have been able to become someone?'


If only, then maybe she would have had her answer. She slowly closed her eyes once she was too tired to keep them open, the beeping of the monitors grew fainter than earlier before completely fading away. It felt like she heard the subtle sound of a flatline and a commotion forming soon after around her, but couldn't be bothered to think too much about it as she slipped in a deep slumber.




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