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"Keep moving, ladies! Basketball isn't just throwing a ball into a hoop - it's hard work and determination!" My coach yelled from her standing position in the middle of the court. I leaned over to catch my breath, chest rising and falling rapidly, "I'm tired!" I yelled to no one in particular. My teammate, Cameron, stopped beside me, "Just two more, then we're done." She encouraged me. I stood, blew out a breath and finished my suicides. "Clap it up, ladies! Great job today! Peters, Lincoln, Welsh, Johnson and Dickensian, stay after for me." We did our team chant before breaking up. I placed my hands on my hips as I made my way to the basketball rack. I shot around until the gym was empty. "Lincoln, come on over." I jogged over to my coach, stopping to drop the ball back in the rack. "I want you all to stay and go over a couple plays with me. My starters are an important part to choosing how the game goes." I turned to Cameron and high-fived her. It's been some weeks since we've started and we made sure to work hard to earn our spots.

Two hours later, Cameron and I were on our way out of the gym and back to our dorm room. "This game is gonna be great, I feel it." I told her, unlocking the door to our room. She yawned, "Hell yeah! We haven't won since we haven't been starting, you know." she said, smirking at me. I laughed and rolled my eyes, "Shut up. They did good for not having us." I told her. She sat up on her elbows, eyes bucked, "Good? Bitch, they lost by over eighty points, ninety at the first game." I chuckled and shook my head as I walked to the bathroom, preparing to take a shower.

After my shower, I threw on a pair of shorts and a sports bra then flopped on my bed. It felt so good to be in bed. College ball isn't anything like playing in high school and I don't know how I've managed to do it for three years, this being my fourth year.
I sighed and rolled over on my side.
I've dedicated my whole life to basketball - no boyfriends, no parties, no drinking. Ever since I was five, I had a basketball in my hand and the game in my heart. Everyone says I'm good enough to go pro and that's what I'm hoping for. I groaned and rolled over again. My sleeping pattern was disrupted by the extra time I've been putting into practice. I lay flat on my back and stared at the ceiling, eventually falling asleep.

Cameron scrunched up her face, throwing down the piece of chicken we had gotten from the cafeteria at our school. "I thought UCLA was supposed to have the best food? What the fuck was that?" She swore, rinsing her mouth out with the cup of water sitting next to her. I covered my mouth with my phone and howled out with laughter, "I told you not to eat that shit! Did you listen? Nope!" Cameron rolled her eyes at me, "Let's go get something from Sallie's?" I nodded in confirmation before standing and slipping on my backpack. We started to walk that way when I abruptly stopped. Cameron eyed me. "I have to change. I'm not trying to go out looking like I just finished warming up for a game." Cameron surveyed my black Nike warm-up sweats and rolled her eyes before following me to our room. Ten minutes after arriving to the dorm, I had changed into a pair of white shorts, a yellow floral racer-back top and a pair of yellow chucks, and slipped on my backpack once more. I made my way to the bathroom to free my long, curly, brown hair from its elastic. After spraying it with some water and twisting the front of my hair, I was ready to go. Cameron sat up in her bed, "You got all dressed up to eat and come right back?" She mocked me. I laughed and raised my arched eyebrow, "Hey, you never know who you're gonna meet, babe."

It was a thirty minute walk to the restaurant, but it was worth it. "Let's eat outside. It's too many people inside." I said, taking a seat on the patio before Cameron could speak. "I think I want a basic ass burger." She said, flipping through the menu. I nodded and continued to look over the food choices. "I'm thinking a bacon burger." I said, closing my menu and sitting it on the table.

"Oh, bitch!" I said, dragging out my words as I looked past Cameron and into the restaurant.

Cameron immediately reached up and started swatting herself, "What? Is it a bug? Get it off!"

I sucked in my lips, trying not to laugh at her, "No, girl! There's nothing on you."

She reached over and punched me in the arm, "Queen, don't fucking play like that! What is it?"

I pulled out my phone and snapped a picture of the scene behind her, "Thats what."

She took the phone, clutching her chest and fidgeting in her seat, "Is that Steph Curry?"

I nodded and took my phone back, "Yep, and Klay is following in behind him."

Cameron slid down in her chair and slithered back up, "Biiiiiitch! Oh, my gosh! They are bringing out the Compton in me. Let's go get a picture or something."

She tried to stand, but I caught her hand, "You can't do that shit! They are not college players. These dudes are professional and they'll probably call security before you can even reach them."

"Okay, well, I'll go down swinging. When they walk over here, I'm getting this picture whether you're in it or not."

I rolled my eyes and placed my hand on my forehead, laughing at my friend. The waitress came over and took our order. As she did that, Klay and Stephen were seated at a table near us. I glared at Cameron, "Don't you do it." I told her, raising a finger to her. She rolled her eyes and snatched my phone, handing it to the waitress while she asked her to take their picture. "I want pictures with you two." She demanded. I covered my face and laughed at my friend. She's a mess. I watched for longer, then shrugged my shoulders, deciding to not miss this opportunity. I took my phone from he waitress and began to take selfies with them together and individually. Two minutes into taking pictures, their food had came, reminding me that Cameron and I hadn't even ordered our food. "Thanks guys! Have a nice day." I told the two before dragging Cameron back to our table. "Bitch, I'm about to post these hoes right now." Cameron said, reaching in her pockets for her phone. I laughed and stuck my tongue out at her, "Ha, bitch! You left your phone in the room and you're not about to use my battery!" I teased her, sticking my tongue out. She huffed and sat back in her seat, folding her arms over until the waitress showed back up. We ordered something basic - cheeseburgers and fries, since we would have a team dinner after our predicted win tomorrow.

"Alright! It's game time, baby! Are you ready to kick some ass?" Our coach yelled as everyone placed their hands on top of each others. "Hell yeah!" We yelled back. "I said, 'are you ready to kick some ass'?" She yelled even louder this time. "Hell yeah!" We yelled back. "Then let's do the damn thing." She said, before moving out of the way so that we may run through. The game was going perfect and from the way that I was playing, I knew the WNBA scouts in the crowd would definitely approach me after the game. "Cam!" I yelled, alerting her that I was open. She passed me the ball and I faked and dribbled towards our basket before passing it to another one of my teammates. She passed it right back, "Take the shot, Link!" I drove to the basketball and dunked. As I landed, someone ran into my back. I screamed and gripped my knee as I hit the ground, rolling around on the floor. Tears flooded my eyes as threw my fists into the floor and screamed more.

This can't be happening! This can't be happening!

I tried straightening my leg out, but that only ended up sending more pain through my knee. This is it for me.

My knee was shattered along with my hopes and dreams.

Just an intro. It'll get better... I hope.

The picture is of the main character, who's first name has yet to have been mentioned.

The name of the actual woman in the picture is Aketra "KeKe" Sevillian, a basketball player for Penn State University.

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