Dark Night -Prologue-

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Dark and rainy night, full of ghosts, why do you always scream? Are you mad, are you sad? You vent your anger towards us poor humans, who hide in our big and warm houses, safe from your hate. Dark clouds above our heads threaten us, your thunders advise us of your arrival. Most of the times, you're not welcomed, but sometimes, someone just waits for your advent for not crying alone anymore. We wait for you, so we can share our deepest secrets with someone who wouldn't judge us.

Oh, mother. Why is the world so cruel towards us? What did we do to anger the gods above the stars? We're just humans, silly and pathetic humans. 

Now, we're standing beneath you to wash away all our sins. Forgive us, mother, for we have sinned. Her blood drips from our unholy hands. She didn't even scream. 

I don't know if we are innocent, I don't know anything. We took care of her, mother.

She's lying on the cold, dirty, wet ground, pale as a spirit. Her soul flew away, her eyes closed and without life. 

We dug a hole where she can rest forever, away from the cold, away from the pain. No one can hurt her anymore. 

Oh, mother. We are so tired.

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