2.0 Chapter 32: Bunnyx

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Change of plans for how Adrien is feeling...

This chapter is all about the future. It will stay so for a while. The whole characters of Miraclous Ladybug and Chat noir is in HIGHSCHOOL! All of em are teenage of 16-17 now.

So this is the future before Bunnyx figures out the past is in trouble. ;)


Alix's POV

"Are you sure that would work, Marinette?" I asked. Marinette was trying to figure out how to find more miraculous holders. Apparently she had figured out there are more holders out there, not just in New York and Shanghai. But literally everywhere.

"It should. Tikki said it would."

I rolled my eyes.
"You work too hard. You do know you can work on this tomorrow. Alya says she's going on a double date with Sabrina and Max." Alix says.
"Hmm..." Marinette muttered.
"Nino misses Adrien."
"Adrien is going to marry you."
I stared. She isn't listening at all. Is she?
"Okay, can we go out now, before your brain explodes-"
"No! We cannot! Look, we've got to figure this out. And I have to update Chat Noir."
"Update him in what? How to destroy more miraclouses?"
"That hasn't happened yet, Alix."
"It will happen! And honestly! It's true!"

"You don't like him much do you?" Marinette asks.
I shook my head.
"Why would I?"
But you like him a lottttt!

I shook away the thought and watched Marinette go left and right and trip over air throughout her room.

"I'm going, because this is boring-"
"No! I need Bunnyx!"
"But you can call me!"
"No, I don't want you to go anywhere. I'll figure this out and you're gonna help me."
"You should ask Max for help then."
"I don't want to, you already knew my identity. So...we're just gonna figure this out."
"Hmph." I nodded.

She kept working. Until I got a text from Alya.

Alya: Is she still working?
Me: Yes..you need to make her stop!
Alya: You know she won't listen to me. She's set her mind to figuring it out. You can't really do anything but...wait! Tell her Adrien wants her to come. He's her boyfriend after all.
Me: Yeah, when she actually starts listening to me.
Alya: What do you mean?
Me: She isn't listening to me at all, as if she's been somehow warped into this project.
Alya: I mean Luka did ask her to make a mask for him for his next show. Don't fret, she'll get it.

Right, the lie. Luka was in on it to. I knew of course that Alya knew Marinette was Ladybug. But of course, Alya didn't know I knew.

Not many could figure it out that Alix and Bunnyx knew the identities of both the superheroes.

Like Ladybug keeps saying, I know how to keep a secret.

"Marinette, Adrien is waiting for you."
"Hmm, tell him I've got some work to do for Luka."
"You're dissing your boyfriend for your ex-boyfriend?"
Marinette turned around with a horrified look.
"I AM, AREN'T I? Oh my! But how can I tell Adrien that it's not Luka I'm working so hard for but a project Ladybug needs to do! I can't tell him that!"
"Yes...and you still have a life to live. We'll figure out the other miraclous holders later. Right now, let's go hang with Alya, Sabrina, Max, Nino and Adrien."
"But I thought they were going on a double date-"
"I lied, triple date. Now come on."

"What if this is-"
"Come on."
"The new Butterfly holder's name could be in this book!"
"You mean the old one?"
"No...wait what? Hold on! I should really study this book more. Maybe our names are in it and that's-"
"Let's go, Marinette. The present isn't as boring as this has gotten."
"Who are you going on a date with?"
"I'm going to be the seventh wheel. Now, let's go."
"Hmm...maybe we can-"
"Let's go."

Grabbing Marinette's arm and literally pulling her out of her frenzy of finding new miraculous holders.

When we finally reached the destination where Alya had texted us to get, Marinette was still talking about new miraculous holders.

"Hey, Marinette! Here! Alix it's so nice to see you again after a month. How was your history vacation with you dad and brother?" Alya asked.

"Informational." I smiled. Marinette sat next to Adrien and he gave her a peck on her cheek. A blush crept up on her cheeks. Even now, after years of getting together she still gets nervous.

"Are Kim and Ondine gonna join us?" Nino asks Max.
"They are having a private date actually. Luka and Zoe are planning to drop on by though." Max adds.

"That's nice, Nathaniel and Marc are on that book opening, we are still going tonight, right?" I asked. The whole gang nodded and I smiled.

These guys will do anything to support and be there for each other no matter what.

"Ivan, Mylène, what have you got planned for the forest expedition next week?" Marinette asks.

"Oh many things, actually. We are also planning to plant more trees and have our class go to visit each year." Mylène explains.

"That's so generous." Sabrina nods. Last year Sabrina finally stopped talking to Chloe, wherever she may be at this point. Last I heard she was in Shanghai, visiting someone. Sabrina also got contact lenses the same time Max decided to get as well. His miraculous was glasses and he needed to get them on easier and what not.

Both of them started dating right after and by far a very cute couple indeed.

"Rose texted me, Juleka isn't feeling very well, they may not make it to the book opening." Alya informs the group.

"We can make some hot soup and leave it for Juleka." Marinette says.

"Good idea, Marinette." Adrian agrees. The chatter grows in the group as we all talk about the events that will take place in the next few days.

Next very busy days.

Junior year of high school is going to finish and next year all of us will be planning to plan our futures. Maybe even away from Paris. Away from home.

And with all of us having a miraculous, I know it will be hard on Marinette. Even on Ladybug. Especially on Paris to lose such amazing superheroes. I just hope everyone is able to stay in contact even after so many years.

"I'm so happy for for Marc and Nathaniel, it's such a great opportunity to have a book published already, I know for a fact that Thomas Astruc is planning on making more ladybug materials, so they will definitely get signed!"

"Wow, that's truly a step for the better."

I look around for Kim and Ondine, I waved them toward us and they also took a seat.

This truly felt like home.


I hope yall can forgive me for the late updates for this book. Here you are!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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