The Bug

21 0 1

A/Ns at the beginning and end... I'm too used to ao3 lawl
- this may or may not be ooc because I haven't watched ii2 in forever
- I'm probably nvr gonna finish this so yeah
- hi myth :3
- ALSO, there might be some plot holes regarding how the timeline fits together and stuff like that -_-
- plsoslpslosl lmk if there's any spelling/grammar mistakes... i will cry if you dont
- I think that's all, so pls leave a comment (or 50)!!!


The summer heat beat onto the final four contestants as they sat on the hills overlooking the beautiful view of the unending plains.

They were still waiting for MePhone, who left after the last elimination. They had waited, at first, for days until the days stretched into weeks, and then until the weeks turned into two, and then three. Then it had become apparent to them that their host wasn't coming back (or at least not anytime soon).

Now, with MePhone gone for an indeterminate amount of time, they were pretty much free to do whatever they wanted.

Baseball had been the one to suggest them going back to the hotel. The others had disagreed at first, but after a couple of months in the woods when they could've been enjoying the air-conditioning of Hotel OJ, they had all relented.

"I mean, we could just ask Oj to stay, right?" Baseball had asked, not to anyone in particular.

"Oh, um, probably. Yeah, I mean. Actually—" Suitcase grimaced. "It's just that...Y'know..."

The other three exchanged confused looks before Knife spoke up.

"What?" He raised his eyebrows at Suitcase.

"Like, how Oj used to drop by, let us know that we could come to his hotel if we wanted?" She paused, thinking about her next words. "Uh, and then he stopped..."

"Ah, well, we had rejected him every time, right?" Knife swiftly interjected. "He probably just got tired of asking. Oj said we were always welcome at the hotel, remember?"

Offering a small smile, Knife looked at Suitcase, expecting an answer.

But it was Lightbulb who began talking.

"Omga, look, guys!!! No, seriously—" She said, rather loudly.

"What is it, Lightbulb?" Baseball mused.

"Uh, I dunno!" She said, holding something in her hand. She examined it carefully. "I think it's what you'd call a... dog?"

Knife, Suitcase, and Baseball glanced at each other quickly before Baseball said something.

"Lightbulb... I don't think that's a dog..." He laughed, then turned to face the others. "I mean, it's definitely something. Maybe Test Tube would know. We should keep walking to the hotel."

The group nodded and went on their way. Soon, the sky was darkening and they'd finally reached Hotel OJ.

Suitcase knocked on the door, nervously, and they all waited for a response.

However, no one came.

"You don't think that they're not here, right?" She frowned.

"Obviously not!" Knife responded, rolling his eyes. "Have you seen Oj when he's not within a 10 foot radius of the hotel? Guy's practically shaking!"

"Oh, you're talking about Juicey?" Lightbulb perked up. "He's like, orange. Mmm, I dunno."

The others only stared at her as she rattled on. "Actually, I don't really know 'im that comment."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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