Chapter 1 Mystery

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Nobody's p.o.v

A pale red looking truck speeds on by on the dusty road in it holds two teens...

The first teenager is the driver a very handsome young man appears to be around 18-19 years old has bright emerald green eyes, tan sun kissed skin and dark as night hair.

If you would see him when he stands he would appear to be 6'0 tall for his age

He has a swimmers build, is muscular and agile looking with little to no body hair

He appears like a gruff young man always glaring and not talking except to his friends.

Now onto the other boy he is also a very handsome young man and appears to also be around 18-19 years old he has bright brown hair that looks so soft and fluffy in the sun, pale white skin but not to pale like snow white but has enough color to appear he has a bit of a tan. He has beautiful greenish blue eyes or are they brown or grey? hmmm it always seems to change to different shades throughout the day.

If he would to stand he would appear to be around 5'9 average height for a boy his age.

He has a workers build he's not bulky but not fit looking either it's just right the boy looks like he has done nothin but work hard his entire life if you would look at him closely you would see a small scar on his chin.

If you would ask he would tell ya it was a small cut from him working with the animals on his grandaddy's farm.

But today...well today it's different

You see you would think these two boys were just taking a ride out into town to go meet up with their friends to hang out like all teenagers do but the truth is far worse.

If you were able to look into the pale red truck that was speeding by you would see the boy with the dark as night hair red in the face with rage! gripping the steering wheel with so much force it's as if he is going to pull it off white onuckles and everything letting air out of his nose like a bull eady to charge at you

And then there is the other boy...

You wouldn't see a fluffy brown soft looking mop of hair on his head of his beautiful multicolor eyes or even his pale unblemished skin

Instead you would see a bandage that wrapped around his head and covered his right eye completely

You would see red scraps and scratches on his skin that was showing through his jacket

You would see a pair of crutches leaning on him and the door as well

And if you were able to look into his eyes you would see a boy who is terrified and a boy who seems to have given up completely...

Your probably wondering were they are going well...

I should probably introduce them to you first! It's only polite correct?

Well first off the driver

His name is Marco Williams

And the boy who seems to have seen better days is

Bobby Twist

Ahh recognize that name!

Of course you do his Daddy is Jack Twist the man who was almost beaten to death and found in a field left for dead!

Horrible really what happened to that man but a little young lady manged to stumble upon him and call 9-1-1 and was able to get him medical attention

It's a miracle he manged to survive at all

His wife left him after a nasty divorce his father in law was definitely happy about that.

Last anybody has heard about him was that he up and left his son and moved somewhere far away where he was happy!

As to the men who beat him and left him for dead well they ended up getting arrested for another charge facing life sentences heh karma really is a good thing huh

Well anyways enough about that wanna know where their going now w.e...e...e....e.e.e.e.e.e.e.e.e.e.e..e..e.e.e










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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2023 ⏰

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