chef pee pee x lola 😍

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Chef pee pee was washing the dishes. He was stressed as usual. Juniors fat ass walked up to him and tugged on his apron (idk if that was spelled right I'm sick)

Junior: Chef pee pee, I'm hungry!

Chef pee pee: Shut up, Junior. I'm in the middle of washing dishes. Go be gay with your friends or something

Junior: aw :( *he waddle away*

Suddenly, chef pee pee got a text

Lola: Open the door chef pee pee

Chef pee pee had a sorta wtf face, but it quickly faded to a smile. He blushed slightly and walked to the door, but caseoh (Junior) had already opened it

Junior: Hi lola

Lola: Hello, little one.. *ruffled his hair*

chef pee pee pushed Junior away

Chef Pee Pee: Get out of here, Junior

Chef pee pee look at lola and blushed

Chef pee pee: hello lola long time no see huh?

Lola: Yes... I've missed you

Chef pee pee: You have!? Well...I'm sorry about what happened with your arm

Lola:  it's okay dear *she held his hand gently*  But thats the pass

Chef pee pee: i-i

He got flustered and looked away. Apparently homie never got a touch of a woman. But then lola kissed his cheek

(Ignore how shit this is :3)

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