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Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters, Oda-sensei does. (Please don't hurt them, Oda!)

Zoro is an easy going person (mostly) and he really doesn't get annoyed easily (mostly) because he doesn't really care (always), but there are a few things that totally piss him off. One: Insulting his friends. Two: Drinking his booz.

Drinking the sake he had specifically saved for cold nights like this is completely unacceptable and his friends know better than to mess with it. Most of them do, but this perverted love cook exists to make him angry.

"What the hell are you doing?", he shouts when he finds Sanji surrounded by (his) bottles of sake.

The cook looks surprised at hearing Zoro's voice.

"Oi, Marimo!", he says a little too loud. "Come sing with me", he waves with his hand for Zoro to come closer while murmuring a song known to all of them.

"Are you drunk, stupid cook?", he approaches, not able to contain his laugh.

"You like booz so you are drunk", he says as if it's the only reasonable conclusion.

As he sees the blush on his cheek from the alchohol Zoro confirms that he is indeed drunk and is about to fight with him for drinking the best of his sake but he realises that it's too late for that.

He sits beside him and takes away the remaining alcohol.

"So why are you wasted?", he demands "First time I've seen you like this".

"Nami-swan called me a pervert and Robin-chwan told me I am too young for her", he cuts off his singing to answer.

"It's not like it's the first time they talk to you like that", he states as he takes his first drink.

"They were too harsh this time", he shouts.

"They are propably fed up with you", he reasons with him "And I don't blame them".

"Why does everybody think I am a pervert?", he asks seriously as he tries to take the sake from Zoro but drammatically fails to since he is weak from being drunk.

"Because you are", Zoro answers honestly and simply.

"But I only want to find someone to love and care for. Someone I can cook for with all my heart", he admits so seriously that Zoro forgets he is drunk for a moment.

"Maybe you should stop being creepy then", he advices as he continue to drink.

"Maybe", he repeats and starts singing drunkenly again.

It doesn't take a lot of time for Zoro to join him, both shouting something about Bink and his sake that doesn't sound like singing at all.

Sanji is leaning on Zoro's shoulder almost asleep and he can't take his eyes off of him.

"You are so cute when you are drunk, Sanji", the swordsman admits like he never would if he was sober.

"You know, marimo?", the blonde sits up to get a better look at his nakama's face.

"Hmm?", he questions, completely at ease.

"Out of everybody on this ship I like cooking about you more. It makes me so happy to see you wolf down the food I make", he laughs, blushing even harder than before, completely embarassed at his words even at his drunken state.

Zoro, on the other hand, feels smug and bends down without a second thought to capture his friend's lips with his own in a passionate kiss that seems neverending.

"Go to sleep", he demands but he can't erase the stupid smile from his face.

"Goodnight, Zoro".

"Goodnight, Sanji".


The next morning they wake up to find each other embraced and start fighting about whose fault it was.

The don't remember much about what happened but everything feels different between them .

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