Town, of Beginings

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"Please log in and create a character" the nerv gear said chiming in it monotonous high pitched ring.
Menus began popping up all around my field of vision as my mind began to emirate in the decisions. The low whir of the fan in the back of the helmet made white noise to cover up the different buzzing and squeaks of machines firing up to take over my mind.

"Ok" I said as I selected basic character and calibration tests

"Please place hands around body to calibrate" The nerv helmet spoke again. So I took my hands and patted myself up and down.

"Calibration complete"

"Nice" I began to smile. The long wait for the game SAO was about to be over and I was giddy with excitement like a child on Christmas.

"Please select base character attributes and physique." The nerv spoke again

"Height" I spoke to select the options as more menus appeared, each more brightly colored than the last

"Five feet and eleven inches" as I spoke that I saw a basic white mannequin appear that had a scale next to it reading the hight. It was 5'11'' just like I said it should be

"Wow" I mumbled to myself, but I guess it wasn't to myself because the nerv gear asked me to repeat my command.
I buzzed through the other selections and made a character that resembled my old brother, Clyde, minus a few flaws.

Clyde was another one of the players I knew that was going to be joining the world just like the rest of us. He lived away from home though 'out on his own journey now' as my father would say so often with bitterness. I was hoping that I could find him in game eventually and check in with him to see how he's doing.

"Are you ready to begin playing" the mic cut for a bit as a different operator said "Sword Art Online" the second voice was clearly a person that had been recorded because it wasn't nearly as annoying as the first bit.

"Hell yah" I said with excitement, to bad the nerv gear didn't register that so I had to say 'yes I am ready' like three times.

A plum of what appeared to be a technicolored snakes began shooting at me and before it hit me the seemed to dissipate. I began to lose feeling in my body and my head went numb for a bit.
I felt like I was gonna get sick, but the manual said that this might happen so I accepted it and tried to tough it out.

"Link has been made, nerve lock activated. Central control has been returned" the nerv spoke in the high pitched voice again, and then my body began to tense. I could feel things again so I opened my eyes.

I was met with a brisk breeze that blew around me and seven other players that had just loaded up. We appeared to be in the center of a city plaza with shops lining all sides. People were talking and running around, weapons drawn. Playful skirmishes went on outside the main entry and other new players began to spawn in also. A blue-white-ish light would appear in a circular tube shape and the dispatch like smoke. Standing there would be another brand new player like myself. I smiled. This is where I belong, not in some classroom trying to learn things I'll never use, not at a football game sitting on a bench. No, I belong here, in this world, with these people who also came here. They chose to be here, we are already alike. All of us, we share a bond. We are the players. And this, is our game. These were our mountains to climb, our monsters to fight, our friends to be made. Our world to rule.

~~~~~~~~ end chapter 1 ~~~~~~~~

Aight, so since this is my first piece of writing on Wattpad idk how many of you are going to see this, but any of you that do, I need ideas for characters and names so if you want to be i the story, pm me and write a little bit about who you'd be and what weapons you'd use, stuff like that's. Thanks a ton to anybody who read this, as it is a work in progress.

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