Chapter one

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(This is oc but with reader name so if you don't like I'm already telling you so you can click off, if not then good reading)

(Your pov)

"It's a little early for you to be awake" I turn my head towards the person speaking and close my book.

"Sorry tam I was having a hard time sleeping, I'm so excited for my birthday I can hardly contain myself!" I laugh getting up and walking towards my brother.

His hair is getting longer very fast but it's a nice shade of gold that matches mine although mine is much longer and reaches to my knees since I have never gotten a haircut expect for trimming. I approach him and hug him like I always do every morning.

"You were out for a while, if it wasn't for Lucien I would have been out of food! Where were you? You used to visit me almost every day unless busy but you were gone for 3 months!" I say worried.

Tamlin is the one who takes care of me for safety reasons which I'm "too young to know" which never made sense to me considering my brother is 508 and I'm 499. He teaches me everything I need and brings me whatever I want or need to my tower.

"I've had to take a trip" he answer but he seems stiff, I don't pressure him as I nod. He grabs something from the bag he took with him, from inside he pulls out books, I gasp and smile up to him.

"I got you most of the ones you wanted though" he chuckles and puts them on my bed next to the one I was reading before he arrived. I look at him as he unpacks and finally feel confident as I speak.

"My birthday is coming and I was wondering-" he cuts me off quickly "we'll talk about your birthday another time y/n, as of right now I need to go but I'll be back soon or Lucien will"

I nod all confidence gone as I sit on my bed and watch him close the bag. "Thank you for the books" I whisper and he nods before walking towards the large window which is the only entry or way out. Tamlin always gets down with the help of vines that are around the tower but I'm not trained in climbing and I'd rather not die trying to escape.

Tamlin is my brother and a really nice person, why would I need to escape? I shake the thoughts as i at the walls inside of the tower, they are made of bookshelves for all the books I've read in the last years to be organized but now they're all full and I've got no space.

I sing a tune as I walk around, after a few minutes I abandon and stack them under my bed like the others that have yet to have a spot. I look at a clock and wonder if tamlin will be back for dinner, I've already cleaned the house, taken care of myself and now I'm again like most days bored.

I approach the window and stare outside as my leg go back and fourth in the air. I wonder if tomorrow more fireworks will explode like they usually do each year at my birthday, it's a misture of pinks and gold in the air that make my eyes shine but I wish I could see them closer.

I decide not to torture myself more as I go back inside the tower, get into my bed and decide to sleep until either Lucien or tamlin come or until the morning.

But as I lay down like every time I feel this weird feeling into my body. It happens everyday but I don't know what's wrong..

I sit down and the blanket fall to my lap as I hold on to my stomach area or anywhere I can hold as I feel like my body is burning and needs relief but not in the way I've read about in's an uncomfortable burn I feel every time and it feels like I'll burn if I don't let it go but I can't let it go if I don't know what's inside me..

Tamlin says I'm probably just hungry every time I told him this but I've eaten some cupcakes that Lucien brought before tamlin what is this burning sensation going through my veins? And why does it feels like it wants to consume me?


"Search for any clue about this tradition they have, learn if it's about a real person and search for her" I hear rhysand speak before he turns to feyre.

"You said it was about a supposedly sister?" When she nods his eyes come back to focus on me as the rest of the inner circle sits around debating who to call for the war

"If tamlin has a sister we need her, and if she's been gone it's for a reason so learn anything you can about the celebrations and come back with good information or the girl herself if you can" I nod and the inner circle is quiet. Everyone is on edge, we're all old and we have all seen war and anyone can be useful during war, even legends are important.

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