The encounter

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The footsteps pounded past the closet I had hidden in, and didn't end for a few minutes. Only after their echoes disappeared did I step out and rush to get another hiding spot. "This way!" Their commander yelled in front of the closet I had just left. The lone of men stopped suddenly and one among them stepped forward. "She was here, I can smell her." Said the soldier. That traitor! He would send me to the slaughter house because he joined their side. "State your name officer." The older man who had spoken first said. "My name is Hosen sir, Jake Hosen." The soldier said after saluting. "Well then Jake, don't fuck this up." Jake saluted again and stepped forward to the closet. I took this time to run from the room I was in to another, where I covered my scent on everything to confuse him. I closed my eyes and shifted, then I backed up to the farthest corner of the room. I slowed my breathing and started running towards the window on the opposite wall. I closed my eyes and braced for the impact. The shattering glass brought my location to everyone's attention, but I was out of that cage of a house and into the cold winter air. My feet padded on the snow and I as I got closer to the forest I worked on stepping on anything but snow. Eventually I ran around in circles and through several tree patches until I was sure they wouldn't be able to find my true scent. I stopped near two trees and used both of them to climb up into the shelter of the leaves. Only then was I able to lay down and relax. I knew that the men would be confused and that I would be safe, but I still stayed awake in the off chance that they found me.
It was going to be a long night

---Morning December 23---
The sun had risen and filtered through the leaves above my head, waking me and supplying me with little to no warmth. I quickly made my way out of the trees and shifted into my human form. There, safe in the ground, I stretched and set out at a brisk jog towards the highway. My pace sped up a few times when I felt I was being watched, but slowed again when I remembered I had a long way to go. By the time it was about noon I finally reached the highway, or at least the towns version of a highway. It was more of a two lane road that barely had any traffic, unless it was spring or summer. Now the road was salted down and ready to take on the cars that came its way. I stood at the side of the road and waited for someone to come by. My luck a red truck pulled into my line of vision. I waved my arms to get their attention and stepped onto the road when they slowed to a stop. "Mr. Coulburne!" I said as I leaned against his door. "Oh! Mercy Andro didn't know you were out this mornin! What's a pretty girl like you doin' joggin' in such cold weather." He meant it rhetorically of course, he knew I was serious about running, and if he had met with my father he knew the state of the pack. "Well y'know just workin out I guess. Mind if I hitch a ride?" I asked as I stepped back from his car. "Not one bit, hop on in!" He unlocked the door and I swing inside the cab. He locked the doors and we were soon on our way to the town, to my pack, or what was left of it anyways

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2015 ⏰

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