The Ornament Fiasco

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"Yes?" Jeonghan looked down as his daughter padded up to him. He could see something gripped tightly in her hands. She looked up at him. Immediately, she stuck her hands up in his direction.

Jeonghan knelt to better understand what his daughter was holding so tightly. She offered him a little Christmas ornament, one she had gotten from the recently retrieved box.

"Aaah." He gently took the ornament from her, turning it to her view as he held her close. "We got this when Jeonghui was born." He pointed to each of the little snowmen inside the snowglobe ornament. "See? Mommy, Daddy, Jeonghui." He pointed to the little photos of each of you placed in each respective snowman. "Uncle Seungcheol gave it to us when Jeonghui was born."

Jeonghan expects many things, being the father of a three and eight-year-old. However, he did not expect said three-year-old to look absolutely distraught. "What's with that face, Haeun?" He asked amusement in his voice.

"Where's Haeun?" She asked softly. Okay, guess we're doing this.

Jeonghan smiled a bit. "We got this one before Haeun was born." Haeun did not seem convinced. How could she not be in a family ornament? Jeonghan went to put the ornament on the tree, but Haeun quickly grabbed it back.

"Haeun....." When the girl's eyes began to water, Jeonghan knew the one day he agreed to set aside to decorate for Christmas with his family might now turn into two. "Where's Haeun, Daddy?"

Jeonghan chuckled. "Haeun. We got this one before you were born. We didn't know you were going to be born, yet."

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw his older son, Jeonghui, making his way to the wall. His hands were filled with stockings and little knick-knacks from another box. You were close behind, holding the tools needed to hang them onto the fireplace.

Haeun's little whimpers alerted your attention. Whimpers turned to sniffles. Before they could turn to cries, Jeonghan motioned to the ornament box. "Where's the other one?" He mumbled to himself. Haeun held the ornament tightly as she watched her father rummaging through the box. "Here. Look, Haeun." He pulled his daughter close to him. He held up an ornament with the four of them, once again customized with name and year. It was taken at Lotte World the previous year. "Here. Mommy, Daddy, Jeonghui, Haeun."

That didn't help. Haeun continued to sob and sniffle as she gripped the snowman ornament. "But Haeun isn't on it." She held up the snowman. Jeonghan chuckled as he pressed a kiss to the sobbing toddler's temple.

"Awww Haeun. I know. It's ok. We have this one." Once again, attempts to offer her the ornament with her name proved useless. She was so focused on this one in particular. Jeonghan glanced up at you for support but only received a side glance and a smile.

"Wait until she sees our wedding pictures." You mumbled. Jeonghan snorted a bit. He motioned Haeun to the tree, helping her put the family photo ornament on. When he scooped her into his arms, he guided her hand to an available branch, slipping the loop through the leaves. "There. Okay."

Haeun still whimpered as she held the ornament without her name. She pressed on the plastic. Maybe if she opened it they could put her inside. "Haeun, how could we have known you would be born yet?" Jeonghan asked, continuing to hold her in your hands. "We couldn't guess you'd be a little girl until you were born."

"But I wanna..." Haeun continued to sob in distress. You looked down at Jeonghui, who held back a little snicker as he hid behind your leg, watching the scene unfold. He, like Jeonghan, was a bit of a mischievous soul behind a gentle face.

"I know you do. I'm sorry." Jeonghan smiled. "We can get another one for you."

You watched as Jeonghui hurried over to the ornament box, rummaging through it for a moment. You watched him, stockings laid across your arm as you waited for your helper. Finally, he pulled one ornament out.

"Haeun." He called. Jeonghan watched his son hand an ornament up to his crying sister. "This one only has you! Look!" Jeonghan took the ornament, showing his daughter. It was taken during her first Christmas by your friend, Hao, along with many others that were displayed around the house, some with Jeonghui inside.

"See? Look. That's baby Haeun." Jeonghan said. Haeun reached for the little picture, laminated, and punched through with ribbon. She stared at it for a second, her sniffled and sobs finally subsiding.

Jeonghui, like his father, doted on the youngest member of your family.

Jeonghan pressed a kiss to Haeun's head, ruffling Jeonghui's hair in the process. However, Haeun immediately began sobbing again.

"Jeonhui-Oppa. Where's Big Brother Jeonghuiiiiiii?" She continued to sob.

You snorted. When you saw Jeonghan staring you down for support, you simply motioned to the stockings still draped on your arm.

"You can do it, Dad." You grinned playfully. Jeonghan sighed, diving into another long attempt to calm down your sobbing daughter.

Parents!Jeonghan x Reader - The Ornament Fiasco (One-shot)Where stories live. Discover now