The Strange Start

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"10 years ago On a Saturday Afternoon 6:50 pm"

      Me and my best friend Joey was speeding down the hill on our bikes to the  newly opened BlockBusters to get the new Lethally Scavenger game. Joey yelled out to me while we were heading down a big hill "HEY WE ARE ALMOST THERE I WILL RACE YOU TO THE FRONT OF THE STORE, LAST ONE THERE PAYS FOR BOTH OF THE GAMES!" After saying that he jetted off without a second glance, I screamed out "NO FAIR JJ YOU GOT A HEAD START!!!" Then I pumped my little legs as hard as I could to catch up to Joey but no luck he already made it to the front of the bright blue Blockbusters building.

As I reached the front of the big blue store  a couple seconds behind Joey. I was winded and I barley could catch my breath. I looked at Joey and he seemed to just brush it off like it was nothing. "JJ how are you so fast on that old run down bike"  I say in a big huff. "I'm just faster and stronger, I do play sports you know" Joey said with a big smirk "Yeah yeah whatever dude" I said while rolling my eyes. Joey gave me an playful punch to my shoulder while we walked into the New BlockBusters.As me and Joey walked into BlockBuster We looked around in astonishment at how gigantic the inside of the store was, the shelves were stocked with different books,movies and best of all games. I looked at Joey and he had the same reaction as me it was something we have never seen before in this small town. My best friend Joey was slightly taller then me he had brown hair with light freckles covering his pale ivory colored face,he seemed like a country bumpkin but never talked like one, he always played some type of sports when we were young and he's been my childhood best friend since forever now. "Yoo dude look at all these rated M movies they have boobies on them!" Joey said in amusement while interrupting my train of thought. "Bro put those down before you scary away the girls" I said in a joking manner. Joey said in a fast comeback "We both know you get no girls" "Haha very funny JJ, now let's go to the sci-fi section so we can get the game and go" I said in annoyance of how fast his comeback was.

As we searched around we looked at all the cool and funny things, There were strange hats and funny mask of different game characters. "My favorite one is the Italian man with a mustache and the green hat he was my favorite character to play in those platform games" I said in excitement that they even had the mask in this giant store. "Lame!! the one with the purple hat is so much better and he's cooler" Joey said, I looked at him and rolled my eyes at the fact he even thought that. We continued to walk until we made it to the sci-fi section and as we got there. We stood there in utter amazement at the hundreds of thousands of games lining the walls,the posters on the ceiling of different characters and comics filled the small stands at the end of the section. Me and Joey looked at each other and we couldn't believe what we were looking at. Our eyes lit up and dazzled at the sight of the amount of games,poster,comics and movies we couldn't contain our teenage minds and went rampant and began running up and down the section looking at every game. "BROOOO!!!! They have Invader Zim over here" Joey said as I looked over at him, at the speed of light "NO WAY! That game is so hard to get. How does this store have such a rare game and so many of them?!" I said In astonishment. "Wait let's stay on task we only have enough for one game and that's Lethally Scavenger" I said going back to look for the game. "But dude this game is really rare we could get this game instead" "No JJ we said we will get the lethally scavenger.  We can get that another time dude" I said to Joey and kept searching for it before picking up a couple of other games in search for the Lethally Scavengers. Joey put the game down In annoyance and began to help me search for the game. We looked all over for the game but no luck we moved so many comics,movies and game's searching for The lethally scavenger. "Bro it's been twenty minutes and we haven't even find this damn game" Joey said in frustration. Accidentally kicking a movie that was on the floor sliding so far and fast down the section and went right under a game stand. I faced palmed and let out a heavy sigh at Joeys stupidity, " JJ...Now why would you go and do that we have to go and get that now" "Oh no...I'm sorry dude! I didn't see it, come on let's go get it before a employee comes by." Joey said running over to the game stand. I follow still wondering how this dummy messed up this badly.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2023 ⏰

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