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_~          Kazuha POV          ~_
              -         ~•~         -

Walking to school is a bitch.

Especially if you live almost an hour away, and have to wake up 2x earlier than you would if you lived closer.

Of course, there's always public transport, but I usually end up waking up late or taking too long to get ready, and I miss the bus. There isn't another bus for another hour, and by then I would be late to school.

Prior to this statement, I also missed the bus today, and now I'm questioning why haven't bought a bike yet.

Luckily, I'm already nearing the school. Our school is pretty huge, which is because the fact that our school is a private school.

My aunt is rich, I know that. That's how she was able to buy me a whole apartment room, even if it was small. I do have to work to pay for my food, which is a pain. But it makes me question, why wouldn't she pay for my living expenses but she'll pay for a private school?

It's probably because of the fact that she doesn't have a husband or kids yet, so I'm the only person related to her now that my parents are dead. She probably doesn't want to be seen as an embarrassment to her friends, so she has to raise some successful child, if not her own.

As I enter the school grounds through the gate, I spot Venti and Xiao walking together.

I speed walk to catch up to where they're going, as I near Venti quickly turns around. It's like he has a 6th sense or something. "Hey Kazubae~!" Venti says, cheerful as ever. Venti is the type of person who most would depict as the 'jester', who entertains. Venti is always laughing and cracking jokes, that it would be hard for you to tell if he ever had a bad day.

"Hi Kazuha." Xiao says bluntly, following Venti's statement as I walk beside them. The way Xiao talks reminds me a little bit like Scaramouche, just kinder..

"Hi!" I said, replying to the two of them. Xiao and Venti's parents are close, so they often walk to school together. I heard they grew up almost like brothers, but something tells me the two of them feel differently about each other.

"Kazuhaaa.. we didn't hang out with you or Heizou the entire weekend! And we both know Heizou can't go a day without you.." Venti whined, leaning onto Xiao's shoulder, who abruptly pushed him away. "Did you hang out with Heizou without us?! Ugh! I'm offended!" Venti said, sarcastically turning his head up in disappointment.

That reminds me, I did hang out with Heizou. Scaramouche was also there.. Oh! Should I introduce them to Scaramouche? He didn't seem to have any other friends, as others seemed too wary of him. And the only other people, Childe and some blonde girl, he didn't seem to like too much.

"Actually, there's someone I want you two to meet!" I smiled at the two of them, both of them seeming a bit confused. After a while, Venti looked at me with amusement.

"Oooo... who's the lucky girl?" Venti said, his eyebrows lifting up and down. I realized what he meant, and I felt my cheeks turn a little red.

"N-no! It's not like that, Jesus. It's a guy, first of all. And he is just a friend." I said, hiding the my flushed face with my forearm.

"Ohh, I knew it, Xiao! Our dear Kazuha is gay!" Venti giggled, backing away as if I were going to stab him. Which, to be fair, if I was someone with a short temper I probably would have.

"Stop it, Venti." Thankfully, Xiao covered Venti's blabbering mouth with his hand, stopping him from talking. Of course, this didn't totally stop him, as we could hear the muffled talking.

"And first of all, Venti, not everyone I want you to meet I have a crush on. It just so happens that the last 3 people I brought I had a crush on. They left anyways so it's fine." I said sternly, hoping to stop Venti's teasing. Once Venti finally stopped his muffled talking, Xiao removed his hand.

"Ew. My hand's all wet now. Thanks for that." Xiao said, wiping his hand on Venti. They definitely had something going on.. I ship it.

The three of us entered the school, now parting ways as the bell was about to ring. Xiao and Venti luckily had almost all of their classes together. I had one class with Heizou, but the teacher moved us away from each other. I had a good amount of classes with Scaramouche though, 3 classes. It was decent since we have 6 classes in total, which means I have half my classes with him.

Of course, I'm alone in 1st period. Which just so happens to be on the third floor. So, carrying my ever so tired body, I climbed up the stairs to the third floor.

It honestly isn't hard to get to the third floor on these stairs if I were alone, but with so many people it's a struggle not to fall down. It's a wonder how no one has fallen down and broken something by now.

For once in my life, I wasn't late to class. As I entered the classroom, I sat down in an empty seat, getting situated. The lucky thing about this class is that the teacher didn't care where you sit. The unlucky part is that none of my friends are in the class, unless you count the mini-girl group I have who casually flaunts over me.

I don't really see why they are so persistent on trying to get my phone number. I gave a few girls my phone number and they hogged it like wild beasts. Since most of the girls were too shy to come up to me, their own friends were their only resource. I wish my friends could've seen how many arguments broke out just because of a couple numbers.

Either way, I don't like girls who openly flaunt over me. Now that I think about it, what is my type.

I like guys with pretty faces, but I'm not gay, am I? Well I guess I could try dating a guy, but I'm not sure. I've only ever dated girls.

Anyways, sitting in class while the teacher lectures us probably isn't the best time to try to find out your sexuality.


Words: 1084

The chapter isn't that long, but I'm happy that I might have enough motivation to be like before the break, where I got chapters out every two days. To any of those who have spent time waiting on the new chapters in the past, before the hiatus, I would upload chapters almost every two days. Once I got back though, I was struggling with motivation to write, so I'm sorry that I took so long to get out new chapters. Hopefully, I can get the next one done quick too. See you soon! (〃ω〃)

.-• Kissable Scars.. •-. (Kazuscara<3) (honestly i suck at making titles)Where stories live. Discover now