First challenge don't sleep.

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Courtney:Well we should probably get back to the cabin now.

Josè:yeah your right court.

Chris: Meet by the beach we will have our first  challenge in 10 minutes. Don't be late .

Josè:Okay we gotta hurry back before we are late .

Courtney : Okay I am coming Calm down.

Josè:Well I am sorry.

Courtney: lose the attitude Mister.

Josè : Okay sorry mom .

Courtney: Thats right mister I am your mom and I am the boss of you .

Josè: I am still older than you and faster than you .

Courtney:Bet you aren't.

(They both started running faster until Courtney runs into someone.)

Courtney: Ouch and sorry.

Duncan: I am sorry princess.

Courtney: Never mind you deserved it. Maybe it knocked common sense into you.

Duncan: Hey there no need to be petty.

Josè: *Helps Courtney up* whatever you deserved it . Come on Courtney let's go to the first challenge .

Courtney :Let's go.

Chris: alright campers today challenge is last one to fall asleep wins this challenge but there will be a twist

Heather: What's the twist .

Chris : You have to take one melatonin gummy.

Courtney: Why that is such a weird thing to do.

Chris: Well that the twist so don't question it.
(Chef comes out with a whole platter of melatonin gummies.)

Chef: everyone eat up.

Eva: What if I don't wanna .

Chris: Then you will get kicked off the show.

Katie: You better take the gummy Sadie so we can be in the final.

Saide: That would be sooo cool right Katie.

Katie: Right Saide.

Chris: Zip it you too.

(Josè looks around and quickly spits out his gummy.)

Alejandro: Heather I need to talk to you about Josè.

Heather: (Yawns) what do you want.

Alejandro: Remember how I said not to trust Josè.

Heather: Yeah.

Alejandro:Well Josè and Courtney are getting way too close .

Heather: Why do you care?

Alejandro: Because when the first Total drama episode came out . He had like the biggest crush on Courtney.

Heather: Okay why are you telling me this.

Alejandro: Because I don't trust him with Courtney. He is up to something.

Heather:Well how about we keep an eye on them.

Alejandro: Okay.

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