Life's sacrifice : A catalyst for rebellion ( chapter 3 )

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in the nation Crete there's a beautiful big white flower that is located in the capital inside of a palace. the flower that is the source of the power for the land and the nation, it said that it was a blessing from the Antheia goddess of flowers and so it must be protected at all costs. t

he leader of the church, the leader of the knights, and the leader of the nation are responsible for protecting the flower and never use it for wrong use. even though it has a live long and has long life span, one day the inevitable will come the flower will lose all power and will wither. 

this is a big problem for the nation, not only it will lose its source of power but also lose the life power for its land and it will create a catastrophe. and so they find all kinds of ways to revive or to keep the flower power alive, but alas they don't find anything. 

until they decided to try a forbidden method. a wise figure warned them not to do it and that all life would end even the most powerful person would also meet their end but one day it would reborn a new life, and that will of nature the cycle of life, if one tries to broke the cycle of life it will meet the consequences and that is an inevitable catalyst of destruction will come. 

but they didn't heed his warning and continued to do the forbidden. they sacrificed their kind to continue with this experiment by finding a person who has a similar power to the flower. and so they do it and it works, it gives power and life to the power to the flower. but the side effect it slowly corrupted the flower, not all but slowly very slowly. they didn't care about the side effects, they only cared that it worked. and so they continue to use this method for several years and generations to come, and that includes the present. 

the flower are withering, and so they need a sacrifice to give the power and life to the flower. so they search all of the nation for the perfect secrifice, then they found it....

Iris and her friends were walking to the bookstore when they heard an announcement from the church, that tomorrow there would be the next female saint elector. all the residents are afraid and anxious because they are afraid of being chosen to be a saint, Iris and her friends are also worried that they will never know who will be chosen next.

That night Iris prayed to God so that her friends and family would not be chosen to become the next saint and she also prayed to God to always protect her family and friends. the next day came...

Iris and her friends were walking to the bookstore when they heard an announcement from the church, that tomorrow there would be the next female saint elector. all the residents are afraid and anxious because they are afraid of being chosen to be a saint, Iris and her friends are also worried that they will never know who will be chosen next.

That night Iris prayed to God so that her friends and family would not be chosen to become the next saint and she also prayed to God to always protect her family and friends. the next day came...

In front of the church, the priest announced which woman had been chosen to become a saint. The atmosphere is tense and gloomy, everyone knows that those chosen to be saints will not come back, people pray and hope not to be chosen.

"The church and the leader of the nation announced that the person chosen to be the next saint is named....""named iris"

Everyone in the city was shocked, including Lily and Gladiolus, they panicked. but Iris didn't look surprised, instead she looked calm. then the priest called out Iris' name again

"Iris! Where's the person named Iris!" said the priestIris answered "I am!" while raising his hand"Let's move forward, quickly!" said the priest

Iris started to walk forward but was suddenly stopped. Iris' hand was grabbed by Gladiolus and Lily who were trying to stop Iris because they knew that if I let Iris move forward they would never see Iris forever.

"Iris don't...please don't go..." said Lily, her tears almost coming outthen Iris answered "it's okay lily everything will be fine...""NO! Everything will not be fine! You know that if you are chosen to be a saint you will never come back!" Gladious said angrily"It's okay, Gladiolus... I'll be back," said Iris"NO! you won't! know that.." said gladiolus

Iris could only smile at her friends, then Iris said her last words before she was dragged away by the knights

"I really love you all... thank you for being friends and always being with me... my life is full of smiles thanks to your existence... please live to your fullest... please live happily, live for yourself and for me too"

then Iris was pulled by the knights to the front, Iris could only look ahead and listen to the screams of her friends who were calling her. Iris shed tears listening to the voices of her friends for the last time. After that, Iris was taken to the capital to perform a ritual for the saint.

Since then the atmosphere of the town has changed, there is sadness and emptiness, even if only for a while. Iris' existence not only changes her friends but also changes the town as well. Everyone loves Iris because of her kind heart, her compassion, her light hand in helping. By losing Iris, the people of the city felt they had lost something, as if something had been lost in their hearts.

This incident had a very heavy impact on Iris' friends and family. Because of this incident, Lily and other people wanted to rebel against the head of the nation. all the people who lost their loved ones to the head of the nation for their ritual gathered together to salute the head of the nation.

Not only that, many cities are starting to become contaminated, instead of being helped by knowledge, they are ignored or silence the people who live in those cities.

when the rebels in the middle made plans to stop the great leaders of the nrrtion, they gathered information but in the process of gathering information they found important information that answered all their questions about the historical events of their nation, this information also helped them to fight against the rebels. the great chairman of the nation.After that they fought against the leaders of the nation and confirmed what the leaders knew the nation had done. by letting the flowers wether so they could make new flowers, so their nation and land were saved, although it took a long time in the end they succeeded in saving their nation and citizens

( alot of time skip cuz i dont have much time so yeah..maybe one day will rework this) 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2023 ⏰

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