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This is just a junk book for whatever Spy vs Spy fanfics I want to write. This will have art for chapters as well, all drawn by me 😀.

I can take requests for au ideas, prompts, or situations y'all want to read about. I'm open to it.

Some headcannons for White and Black.

White (Heckle): loves animals (especially dogs or cats), has a bit of a smoking problem cause of stress, He gets very overprotective, he will stab a bitch if they hurt anyone he loves.

Black (Jeckle): actually pretty good around little kids, a big jokester(hence his nickname, Joke), drinks straight black coffee, loves doodling, has many bombs on his person at all times.

Both: Both are pretty touch starved at different degrees, both have younger siblings (Black, a twin brother 3mins younger XD, and white, a 2year younger brother and a little sister)

Reading the next chapters will tell you much more about them and their dynamic, so stay tuned for whatever I have next.

Again, if you don't like gore, or smut(sexual themes) please don't read, there will be warning in each chapter about what they will have in it, so read carefully.

Thank you all for reading and I hope you enjoy at least one chapter!

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