chapter 20 part 2: ALONE WITH YOU!

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Alessandro's POV: It's been a long time since I saw my family and her, I saw them during my brother Cruze's birthday because I flew to Italy and they wanted to spend time there so they came to Italy but I had to fly back to Spain because I promised my daughter's uncle that I will be in charge of his family's legacy. I lived there now until my daughter turned 18 years old and she could figure out what is she going to do be in charge of both of her parents' mafia or one... right before I flew to the cabin that my beautiful angel sister owned. my sister Bianca called me to ask me that is there was a way for Katelyn to tell me about her past I had to lie to my sister because she didn't need to find out that her own best friend got rapped by Katelyn's ex-boyfriend and betrayed by Katelyn ex-best friend not even Katelyn not knowing that I knew about it because when khole showed me the note that she found when Katelyn threw the note away in the trash. I made my hackers find out more about it. she asked me can I fly to the cabin to talk to Katelyn but I couldn't because I needed to work for Morello's mafia and I killed the right-hand man of Morello's family when I found out Milo betrayed them and he killed my own daughter's uncle and her grandparents too. My mom and my uncle found out about it. they flew to Spain to help me out but my mom wanted me to fly to the cabin to be with my sister and my cousins too. My uncle Tay and my mom's friends and my mom flew to Spain. I could be relaxing with them so I flew the next morning with my friends and my cousins, Xavier too, I dropped the girls and Xavier off to where Bianca and her friends and Katelyn too while I drove to the cabin to get some sleep and worked my business and paper works. After hours passed they came but I kinda figured that they would stay outside while Katelyn came inside the cabin, I didn't look up from my laptop even though I could feel her standing there. I am being rude to her because I need her to stay away from me and I can't have her in my dangerous lifestyle and my underworld too.... now it's been 3 weeks that I stayed, and they wanted me to go with them to shopping food for dinner but I told them that no because I need to work on my business and meetings with the managers of my stores and my restaurants too. I need to get some food in my stomach, I'm getting ready to go downstairs.

Alessandro grabbed his light brown jeans and his boots also his line shirts of green and white

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Alessandro grabbed his light brown jeans and his boots also his line shirts of green and white. he takes a shower. after the minutes passed he finishing the take a shower. he starts to get dressed, he grabs his phone from the desk by his bed puts his boots on then fixes his hair. he opens the door to walk downstairs to make some food.

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