Shattered Mind

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Lucia couldn't even remember the chain of events that led her into this situation, the whole ordeal blending together within Lucia's mind, until it was completely unrecognizable. And now she laid on the hospital bed, unable to even move her limbs freely, waiting for what she already knew awaited her. She could hear the sounds of orderlies through the door, and attempted to initially flick her wrist, nothing was even there even if she could fully do the movement. No weapons, hardly any memory of how she ended up here, and no sign of any of her allies. Lucia would be lying to herself if she said that she wasn't feeling any shorts of fear. It didn't help that she wasn't even in her regular attire, just some white pants and a matching shirt. As all these conflicting thoughts drowned Lucia's mind, all it took was the squeaking of the door opening, to rush her mind back to the surface, two orderlies entered, one wheeling a wheelchair into the room. While the other begins undoing the restraints, Lucia contemplates on if she should run, she could definitely fight her way out of here if she wanted to. Even without the use of her weapons, Lucia had the hand-to-hand combat experience and the speed to get away and back to her hideout. Yet something in the back of her mind kept nagging at her, telling her something wasn't right, it even dared to tell her that her allies were the reason she was in this place. She refused to accept that possibly, but was she just burying herself in denial, or was there something she was missing due to her lack of memory?

The restraints were now undone, and before Lucia had time to make up her mind, she was thrown into the wheelchair with a new set of restraints in place of the old ones.

"Where are we going?" Lucia defaulted to Italian as she nervously asked her question.

"Neither of us speak your language girl."

She cursed under her breath; Lucia had slowly been learning English since arriving in London months prior. But she didn't even know where to start with her questions, let alone in a language she is only starting to get the hang of. The wheelchair let out a faint squeak as it rolled forward, she attempted to scan the hall in case an opportunity to run presented itself. The hallway was a dull gray with run down blue on the bottom, at the end of the hall, was a large set of wooden doors that swung open as Lucia was pushed through. Inside the new room was a worn-out bed, multiple machines surrounded the head of it in an intimidating manner. Off to the side was a small table, which held medical equipment placed neatly, and ready for use.

"What are we doing here?"

Lucia already knew the attempt was in vain. She asked in Italian as her nervousness removed her ability to speak any semblance of English. They didn't respond this time, instead one of the orderlies set up the bed while the other undid the restraints. As this was going on, the doctor finally made his appearance, completely disregarding Lucia as he approached the machine. Turning it on and carefully calibrating it as all Lucia could do was helplessly figure out what moves she could make.

"Patient's status?" He asked in a cold manner while never taking his eyes off of what he was doing.

"Patient appears disoriented, but thankfully presents no signs of aggression."

"A good start at least." He has now finished messing with the machine "But I doubt this improvement will last very long, best to get started while our window of opportunity lasts."

The second orderly places Lucia into the new bed, strapping her down in the process, all she could do was realize the full extent of the situation she was in. A situation she doesn't even remember starting yet was not thrown into the middle of it blindly. Already knowing what was about to happen, as she desperately tried once more to flick her wrist, praying that the one time she does the sound of metal would greet her soon afterwards. But that sweet metallic would never happen, as the doctor approached, and in his hand was some type of mouth guard. He gently placed it into her mouth, while Lucia could feel a slight jab of a needle, an immediate wave of exhaustion hit her all at once, as she struggled to stay awake.

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