MLP Twilight's daughter chapter 1.

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Twilight: huh my head hurts Rarity: I should think your head is sore dear you got a bit carried away with the alcohol Twilight: can you tell me what I did last night Rarity: well let's just say your not a virgin anymore that's for sure Twilight: WHAT oh no I wanted to save myself for when I settled down with a stallion Rarity: I'm sorry dear but it's not all that bad I won't tell Twilight: oh Rarity your the best thank you Rarity: not at all Twilight it's my pleasure to help such a close friend now tell me is there anything I can get you dear Twilight: I could really use some pain killers for my head if you have any Rarity: why of course dear just you sit comfy and I'll be and in a minute ok Twilight: ok thanks Rarity this really means a lot to me Rarity: think nothing of it dear now sit there and I'll be back Twilight: hmm what did happen last night when I try to remember all I see is a blur and my head hurts more strange what happened Rarity: here you go dear take these and soon you'll feel a lot better Twilight: ok thank you Rarity your the best Rarity: no problem dear I'm going to go and wake Sweetie Belle up for school Twilight: ok.

5 minutes later.

Sweetie: good morning miss Twilight did you sleep well Twilight: I had a very good sleep Sweetie Belle thank you for asking KNOCK KNOCK Rarity: huh who could that be oh hello Rainbow Dash how are you Rainbow: no time Discord is at the edge of ponyville says he has an important message from the princess for the 6 elements of harmony Twilight: oh I wonder what's happened Big Mac: I'll take Sweetie to school with applebloom you head on over there Rarity: ok then thank you Big Mac ok the let's go Twilight: right.

15 minutes later.

Twilight: Discord we're here what's going on Discord: ah good your here I was sent by princess Celestia to tell you a new evil has awoken from it's slumber and plans to completely destroy equestria Rarity: OH MY THIS IS HORRIBLE Discord: I know that's why I was sent here to get the 6 of you so pack your bags we're going to canterlot Twilight: ok everypony we don't have long to get everything we need so let's hurry up and pack Discord: Twilight I'll come back to the library with you and wait there ok move out everypony.

1 hr later.

Twilight: Spike are you sure your ok to watch the library while I'm gone Spike: sure thing Twilight go I'll be alright Discord: ok Twilight we must go now the garages will be here soon let's go Twilight: ok Discord let's get the others and go to canterlot.

15 minutes later.

Discord: ok the garages are here is ready to go Rarity: yes Discord we're all ready Discord: then let's go.

So the main six are on there way to canterlot to try and save equestria from this new yet unknown evil keep reading the next chapter is coming soon but that's all for now guys but keep reading TBC.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2013 ⏰

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