8. Port Angeles.

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A FEW days had passed since Trixie had first visited the Cullens family home.

Right now, the weather today was a sun filled one which had made Trixie already dread the day ahead of her; she hated the sun. But she was quite surprised at herself when she found how disappointed she was as Jessica Stanley told the group that the Cullen siblings weren't around, and that they did this often, whenever the weather was nice the family would take time off of school.

Trixie smiled at that, she was happy for the siblings mostly, with memories of when Emma was in the medical profession, Trixie knew first hand how little time you have to spend with your guardian before they're suddenly called in again; she was glad that the siblings could spend time with their guardians as well as one another in a different setting.

The fawn-haired girls' smile faded when she zoned back in on the conversation.

"So what, they just ditch?" Of course Bella would ask that question, she's just as obsessed with the beautiful family when they're away as she is when they're on campus. The young teen had seen Jaspers notes in history, and if all his siblings were as well educated as him and knew the material as well as he did, who cares if they take a couple days off for a family holiday, their grades would be fine. Besides it's camping, not un-planned skipping.

The topic quickly changes to the theme of prom dresses, which immediately causes the mute female to tense up. Not for long though, as Trixie recognised the blood red manicured fingers that hand gently secured themselves around her small wrist. Trixie hadn't even noticed that Dahlia had joined them.

"Me and Trixie will come, there's a book store not far there that we want to go to." Dahlia covered, she knew Trixie wasn't planning on attending prom, but she also knew that nearly all of the student body were jerks and that they'd never ask Trixie to prom all because of the fact that she doesn't talk. A manicured thumb rubbed the skin of the delicate wrist as the group moved inside for class.


Trixie sighed. They had been here hours, Jessica had tried on over half the store and yet still hadn't found the 'perfect' dress. Currently, the gossip queen of the school was stood next to her photographer friend as they admired their dresses in the mirrors infront of them. Trixie had to admit that Angela looked beautiful in her lilac dress, it really suited her. Jessica's' on the other hand, Trixie couldn't help but grimace at the bright pink dress that seemed too small for the loud female as the dress seemed to push up and reveal the brunettes breasts a little more than what would be considered normal.

Not Trixie's taste, but hey who was she to judge, if Jessica wanted it then she could have it.

The adolescents attention was drawn to her companion who sat at her left. Dahlia had promised her books, and yet she had yet to see a single book.

Dahlia laughed quietly at the angry pout that sat on her friends face, she remembered the deal very well, Trixie would only come if Dahlia promised to take her to the bookstore; and as previously mentioned, they had been here for hours.

Hazel eyes were directed away from her leather clad friend as she jumped a little in her chair at the banging behind her. Turning her head to allow her to see clearly what her eyes were trying to look at, Trixie made eye contact with the culprit, him and his friends whistling and making inappropriate comments towards the girls in lilac and pink.

But the male who was locked eyes with Trixie was just that. Locked. He only broke contact with her when he noticed his friends carrying on walking in front of him. Sending the Rivers girl a smirk and a wink, both of which causing the mute girl to shiver and pull the ends of her long sleeves down to cover her hands, he rushed off after his companions. 

"You said that about the last five dresses though." Commented Jessica, causing Trixie to shake away the interaction with the disturbing man that had just happened.

"Well, I thought they were all pretty great." Dodged Bella. Trixie had to admit the Swan girl was bad at lying, but she certainly did try.

"You're not really interested in this sort of thing are you?" Sympathized Angela.

"I actually really want to go to this bookstore. I'll meet you at the restaurant." Excused Bella, the brunette grabbing her jacket and swiftly exiting the small dress shop.

Dahlia looked back and forth between the shop door and her mute friend beside her, before smiling widely at the two girls who were stood before them, and grabbing Trixie's wrist and dragging the petite teen out of the shop, hot on Bella's trail.

It didn't take long for the duo to reach the bookstore. The two had seen Bella rush out as they approached the small building; after watching the skinny brunette disappear around the corner, the pair moved inside, the more petite of the two planning to spend as much of her friends money as she could. She was promised books after all, that's the whole reason Trixie agreed to go.


"Okay Trixie that's enough!" Grunted Dahlia, her arms lowering at the weight of the accumulated books. Dahlia wasn't cutting Trixie off because of price, no, she would have gladly let her keep looking, but for the sake of her arms and their current lack of blood circulation, Dahlia had to stop her introverted friend from buying any more literature.

Trixie huffed. It wasn't her fault that there were so many good books, besides she had to get them now because what if it was gone the next time she came here!

Despite her strong desire to continue shopping the petite mute relented. Dahlia was buying after all, she didn't want to push it.

Walking towards the cashier with a timid smile, Trixie placed the stack of books on the counter and waited for Dahlia to make the transaction so that they could get out of there. The man didn't smile, not that she minded.

 As soon as the card was back in her purse, Dahlia grabbed purchased items as well as her friends hand and rushed them both out of the store. It was dark. Late. Dahlia was hungry, and if they didn't hurry, Bella, Jessica and Angela would eat without them.

The sound of shoes scuffing against the asphalt caught the leather-wearing teen's attention.

From the consistency and even-ness of the steps, Dahlia assumed it wasn't just some drunk walking behind them. No, these steps sounded sober. Not taking any chances considering the alley they were in, Dahlia ensured that the grip on Trixie was tight, before swinging them both around so that Dahlia was face-to-face with the stranger and Trixie was safely behind her.

With the mute teen as safe as possible, Dahlia pushed the stranger against the wall, her forearm against his collarbones applying the right amount of pressure to keep the unfamiliar figure as restrained as possible given the height difference between the two of them.

The forgotten third stood dumbfounded. Blinking rapidly, books clutched to her chest, the timid youth approached her friend. Tapping a leather clad shoulder, Trixie had gained the attention of the two in front of her.

Hazel eyes widened as they came into contact with gold. Trixie's eyes travelled, the body was relaxed, it showed no sign of fighting off Dahlia. It was too relaxed, almost as if the identified stranger had been expecting Dahlia to attack him. A slight smirk pulled at pale lips, golden curls were slightly more tousled than they were at school.

Trixie admired the figure, he looked so messy and relaxed, but so put together at the same time.

The female counterpart of the two let out an embarrassed chuckle before clearing her throat and stepping away from the originally unknown figure. The tallest of the three stepped forward, the glow of a faint streetlight lit up his face. The square jawline and high cheekbones became more defined to the humans as the shadows and the light illuminated and shaped his face. The smirk still present on his lips.


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