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Warning⚠️: Mentioned; of teenage abuse, skip if uncomfortable!

Kanat's POV:
She was crying nonstop now. I held her arm, pulling her in my lap. "Tell me if they still -" I stopped when she nodded as a no and hugged me. "I've gotten rid of them.. but the thoughts.. I can't get rid of them." Jisoo mumbled, crying badly in my arms.

I also got tears in my eyes. Soon, my eyes were filled with anger. My fists furiously get closed. She hugged me even more stiff as if she had never been given arms to cry in, to hug.


Seven years ago:

A light bulb was hung in the middle of the container, which was filled with the cries and screams of teenagers.

"AH!" They hit another whip on the teenager who was lying in front of us. We flinched along with him, each whip that was hitting him, trembling our souls.

All of us are helplessly crying badly. There were six more teenagers around our age. They were crying, looking at the boy getting beaten up worstly. All of their hands and legs were tied with ropes except me.

They just brought me here an hour ago by kidnapping.

Blood was now oozing from his body where the bruises were. "SAY THAT YOU WILL WORK FOR US!" The man who was hitting him constantly said this with each hit.

"STOP IT!" A girl sitting beside me yelled in fear. She was shaking badly, her shirt was wet because of crying too much.

"You want it to be your turn next hun?" That man spoke and came closer to her, I stood up and pushed him back. They had kidnapped all of us.

They are forcing us to study under their control and live under their control, and after graduating, we should work under them as their agents. In this process, we'll totally lose contact with our family.

He now walked closer to me and slapped me, punched me. I tried defending myself but ended up getting bruised and wounded. That boy had fainted because of pain.

He started hitting me with the whip. That girl started crying loudly, looking at me. He hit me with the whip constantly for about ten minutes until my shirt was filled with blood. "Ahhh!" I yelped in pain.

He was ready to hit me badly this time with his full force. "St-stop, please -" she came in front of me, and the whip was now hitten against her chest. "Ah-" she lightly hissed, the pain was immense that she couldn't even scream in pain.

He was again going to hit her, who was in front of me recklessly, but I wrapped my arms around her and turned us around. The whip striked at my back.

I flinched with her in my arms. "Shinwoo! It's enough for today! We'll see these bastards tomorrow!" A man came opening the door of the container.

They left, taking that boy who was fainted with them, and everyone started crying louder while murmuring their parents' names. She was soundlessly crying in my arms, with her body shaking constantly.

I looked down at her, and her shirt was also painted with blood, but not as much as mine. Still, it ached my heart seeing that.

"Mo-mom.." she shivered badly, and her hands touched my arms. They were burning hot. I checked her forehead, and she was burning in fever.

"It's alright... they're gone," I tried to console her. "Ir-irene unnie-" she broke down in tears. What kind of words should I use to console her?

Either we go alive from this and never meet our loved ones or either die inside of this container. Suddenly, we heard the containers door opened and she hugged me tightly, in fear.

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