chapter 9: time skips!!!

9 1 0

(Men give birth in 4 months I ain't gonna time skip to 9 and u can't make me😒)
Month 1
The couple goes to the doctor and sees that the baby is going well, they then take classes on how to parent and already lookinh for baby clothes but never bought any, matpat asks if he can post about this, springtrap agrees, after a week of the video being up it already gets 50k views!!
Month 2
They go back to the doctor and they figure out the baby's gender, it's going to be a boy! They buy clothes for the baby, they attend even more classes for parenting, and they post another video about it and gets double the views as last video!
Month 3
They go back to doctor, baby's good, they prepare a baby sprinkle (a tiny baby shower, a baby shower with only a few items given), and they graduate parent school!
Month 4 in the next page....

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