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Dreary space, sealed. He felt a little out of breath, but the strange thing was that in this completely sealed space, he didn't suffocate. With his arms at his sides, he tried to lift his hand to scratch his face, but his elbow was stiff, as if in plaster, and he could only reach the top of the sealed space. The top of the head should be made of wood. As he tapped it, it went "knock, knock". "This place is a bit like a coffin......" He could only guess that someone was playing a joke on him, or a bad kidnapping and burying him alive? In a coffin, people will die. "Hey! There's someone in here! Is anyone there?" Whether it's a game or not, it's vital to ask someone outside for help when you can't help yourself. But when his voice came out, it startled him. No human voice was uttered, his throat ruffled like a rasp. "Is this me?" In the dark space, even the body was rigid and could not move, and He Cheng could not even touch himself. He was already in shock. He didn't feel like a human. When He Chengwei woke up from his astonishment, he heard someone outside seriously say, "Things are more troublesome than I thought, Qingyun, flying crane, and ink fountain line!" The prince must have changed!" A dead person? A zombie? Then think of their current situation, sealed to the small space of the coffin, the body joints are stiff...... The dead prince can't be himself! He Cheng was stunned, and then vigorously patted the lid of his coffin, the lid was lifted, a weak light pierced into He Cheng's eyes, and then the lid was pressed down by greater force. When he struggled again, his hand unconsciously withdrew. The wood, which was harmless just now, seemed to be covered with the tip of a knife in an instant, and with his hard patting, the stinging sensation reached the brain and poured into the soul! It's not physical pain, it's mental pain. The idea of pushing the lid of the coffin to escape failed, He Cheng even dared not move, all this must be attributed to the so-called "ink line", if he really can escape also have to consider another problem, there must be a Taoist existence outside to guard, not to go out on their own is also thrown into the net? He couldn't help but smile, "It's better than being smothered in a coffin, no, zombies are not old, and they will only be buried in the ground for eternity, or be cremated to cinder," these two options he is very resistant to either. To be a man is to live a long life, and to be a zombie is to live forever. Outside, however, came another voice, it was just a man, and the voice sounded like a sigh of relief: "My dead prince turned into a zombie, only the lowest grade of Beauverine, the little prince please rest assured." Then a child's voice came, because the child's voice line is very delicate, can not distinguish between men and women, but listen to his answer should be that little prince. "My uncle was guarding the frontier for my Qing Dynasty, and this time he was attacked by evil things and died, so the king should bury him in the imperial tomb." My Lord, the former owner of my own body was not bad. However, hearing the word Qing, He Cheng instantly thought of the dynasty, the emperor of Qing...... Time travel is a good thing, and becoming a prince to enjoy the glory and wealth sounds good, but becoming a prince after death, but also become a zombie, there is nothing worse. Having seen many zombie movies, He Cheng knows best that zombies have no human rights, being hunted by monks, being hunted by monks, being hunted by monks...... Yes, in addition to the existence of zombies to bite two lambs and frighten people, the most is to be hunted by the Taoist priest, highlighting the powerful Taoist. "Live up to the little prince's wishes, I will safely escort his dead body!" The sound outside the coffin became noisy, as if there was a eunuch in a shrill voice commanding, but the small Taoist priest guarding the coffin of He Cheng curled his mouth in disdain, and implicitly scolded "dogs and powerful people." Dark space, confined. Rigid body, unable to move. And the lid on the top of the coffin is enchanted, so it hurts to touch it. All He can do is keep his ears open to listen to the conversation outside and sketch the scene in his mind based on the information. That's the main reason he's not crazy, but his spirit is breaking. Unfortunately, there are too few people outside to communicate, they are busy with their way, and the most thing to do is to gasp for breath, and the gas out is like the smell of roast chicken enticing He Cheng. People smell the smell of roast chicken and want to eat roast chicken, He Cheng sniffed people out of the popularity, just want to bite them through the mouth, drink blood! Startled by his own thoughts, he quickly suppressed the bloodlust in his mind, but soon he overthrew everything and became more eager. The first day, on the road. He Cheng learned that his coffin was carried by a carriage and guarded by four children at the four corners of the coffin. Outside was a group of guards, and in about four or five hours he calculated that the number of guards should be about twelve. Along with the maids, the eunuchs, the little princes, and the greatest enemy of all, the Taoist! The horses snorted to a halt, and then came the crackling sound of wood burning outside. They are setting up camp. Poor zombies do not need to sleep, He Cheng looked at the front of the darkness, motionless waiting for the opportunity. The next day, as they passed through the town, they heard newspapers being sold and the police coming to check them. But he was paid off with a few jingles of money. Then the time is definitely not the Qing Dynasty, should be in the Republic of China period. His mind had been whirling, thinking of the maid beside the little prince, listening to the footsteps and guessing his weight. Thinking of the dialogue between the Tao children before, I guessed that they might not know anything except sprinkling glutinous rice and throwing chicken blood. The longer he stayed in the dark, the more nervous he became, but the most he did was to think. Four days in a row, a normal person would absolutely freak out. And He Cheng, the heart has long been resentful, his heart idea is more from escaping to find a mountain forest to hide as a zombie, into hate "after going out must kill you all, especially the Taoist!" Until the fifth day, a rooster crow made He Cheng shudder, and his body became rigid and dared not move. This is the zombie instinct of fear, after a few days of travel, he found himself in fear of roosters, fear of passing wild barking dogs, cold barking wild cats. Even in the morning when the funeral procession gathered around the coffin to offer incense, he would be overwhelmed by the overwhelming popularity. He's probably the lowest level of zombie. At this time, the thousands of cranes outside the road suddenly stopped drinking the forward body transport team. "Why did you stop?" The disgusting, disgusting voice of the drake must have been the eunuch who had been following the little Prince. "Back to Wu Lang, there is not enough glutinous rice, the front is my brother's house, I went to borrow some glutinous rice." Hear glutinous rice, the dark He Cheng face disgust, that thousand cranes will every day glutinous rice and water in the coffin, so that He Cheng do not breathe feel suffocated. Soon, thousand cranes road long borrowed glutinous rice again on the road. But a stranger said in the distance, "Master brother, I think the stars will rain, you pay attention." It's raining? In the coffin He Cheng fast collapse of the spirit suddenly woke up, rainy day, may be their own chance to escape, as long as the outside of the bloody ink line was washed away by rain, a mere coffin lid can never stop him. But would Chizuru really give him such a chance? The only chance to escape, but to God to decide, he felt uncomfortable, but the heart kept looking forward to, the best to a big storm! He Cheng has already been accustomed to the suffering of time, waiting for the final arrival of the night. ------------(沉闷的空间,密封着。 何成觉得有些喘不过气来,奇怪的是在这完全密封的空间中,他并没被憋死。 手臂放在两侧,他想抬手挠一挠脸,却发现手肘部分十分僵硬,就像被裹上了一层石膏,而他抬手也只能碰到密封空间的上方。 盖在头顶的东西材质应该是木头。 随着他敲打发出"咚咚"声。 "这地方有点像棺材......" 他只能猜测有人在和自己开玩笑,或者恶劣的绑架活埋? 被盖在棺材里,会死人的。 "喂!这里面有人啊!有谁在不?" 无论这是否是个游戏,在自己无力自救的时候,至关重要的是向外面的人求救。 但他声音一出来却将自己吓了一跳。 没有发出人声,他的喉咙就像破锉刀摩擦般,发出尖锐的嘶吼。 "这是我?"漆黑的空间,甚至身体僵硬动弹不得,何成甚至不能摸摸自己。 他却已经陷入了错愕,怎么也不感觉像人啊。 何成未从错愕中醒过来,就听到外面有人严肃的说道"事情比我想象中的麻烦,青云,飞鹤,弹墨斗线!王爷肯定是尸变了!" 尸变?僵尸? 再联想自己现在的处境,密封向棺材的小空间中,身体关节僵硬...... 尸变的王爷不会是自己吧! 何成一愣,接着大力的拍着盖着自己的棺材盖,盖子一抬,一道微弱的光刺入让何成双眼一疼,紧接着盖子被更大的力量压下。 他再挣扎时,手却下意识缩回。 刚才还无害的木头,此刻像是瞬间长满了刀尖,随着他使劲一拍,刺痛感直达大脑,涌入灵魂! 这不是身体上的疼,而是精神上的疼。 推开棺材盖逃跑的想法落空了,何成甚至不敢再动弹,这一切必定归功于所谓的"墨斗线",如果他真能逃出也要考虑另一个问题,外面肯定有道士一类的存在守着,自己出去不也是自投罗网? 他心中不由得苦笑"总好过闷死在棺材里吧,不对,僵尸不老不死,等下去也只会是被永生永世埋在地下,或者被火化成渣" 这两个选项他无论哪种都很抗拒。 做人要长命百岁,做僵尸也要万寿无疆才对。 外面却又传来了声音,是刚才男人,声音听上去像松了口气"王爷尸变成僵尸,只是最低等级的白僵而已,小王爷请放心。" 随即一个小孩儿的声音传来,因小孩儿声线都很细嫩,根本分不出男女,不过听他回答应该就是那小王爷了。 "皇叔为我大清守卫边疆,这一次遭受邪物偷袭而死,本王自当厚葬他于皇陵之中。" 王爷,自己这具尸体的前主人混的还不赖。 不过听到大清一词,让何成瞬间想到了朝代,大清王爷...... 穿越是好事,变成王爷享受荣华富贵听上去也不错,但是变成死后的王爷,而且还变成了僵尸,就没有比这更凄惨的了。 看过许多僵尸电影,何成最清楚僵尸是没人权的,被道士追杀,被道士追杀,被道士追杀......没错,僵尸的存在除了出场咬死两只羊羔,吓唬吓唬人之外,最多就是被道士追杀,凸显道士的强大。 "不负小王爷厚望,我必定安全护送王爷尸体!" 棺材外的声音变的嘈杂起来,好像还有一个宦官尖声尖气的指挥着,守在何成棺材旁的小道士却不屑的撇嘴,暗骂"狗仗人势"。 漆黑的空间,密闭。 僵硬的身体,动弹不得。 而且头顶的棺材盖被施展了法术,碰一下就痛入骨髓。 何成唯一能做的就是竖起耳朵听外面的交谈声,并根据信息在脑海中勾画场景。 这是他没发疯的主要原因,但他的精神也在崩溃。 可惜,外面人交流的太少,他们忙于赶路,做最多的事情就是粗喘气,喘出的气体就像烤鸡的香味引诱着何成。 人闻到烤鸡的香味就想着吃掉烤鸡,何成嗅着人们喘出的人气,只想着张口把他们咬穿,喝血! 他被自己的想法吓了一跳,赶忙压制住脑海中的嗜血,但很快他又将一切推翻,变的更加渴望。 第一天,在赶路中过去。 何成了解到自己躺着的棺材有马车载着,棺材四角有四个道童看守。 在外面是一群侍卫,他又用大约四五个小时的时间摸算出侍卫人数应该有十二个左右。 同行的还有侍女,阉人,小王爷,以及最大的敌人,道士! 拉车的马儿打了个响鼻停下,接着外面陆续传来"噼里啪啦"木柴燃烧的声音。 他们在安营扎寨。 可怜僵尸不需要睡觉,何成看着眼前的一片黑暗,一动不动的等待着时机。 第二天,他们经过了城镇,却听到卖报声,还有警察上前检查。 但被几个"叮当响"的钱打发了。 那么时间肯定不是清朝,应该在民国时期。 他的脑子一直在胡思乱想,想着小王爷身边的侍女,听脚步声猜体重。 想着道童们之前的对话,猜测他们或许除了撒糯米和泼鸡血外什么也不会。 在黑暗中待的越久,他的精神越濒临崩溃,也有些神经质,但他做的最多的事情是胡思乱想。 一连四天,正常人绝对会崩溃。 而何成,心中早已愤恨不已,他心中想法更由逃出去找个深山老林躲起来做僵尸,变成痛恨"出去后一定把你们全杀了,尤其是那个道士!" 一直到第五天,一声公鸡叫让何成打了个寒颤,身体僵直不敢动弹。 这是僵尸本能的恐惧,经过这几天的赶路,他发现自己在恐惧公鸡,恐惧路过乱吠的野狗、冷叫的野猫。 甚至早上送尸队伍聚在棺材前上香时他都会被浓郁的人气镇住。 他可能是最低等级的僵尸。 而这时,外面的千鹤道长突然喝停了前进的运尸队伍。 "为什么停下啊?"恶心令人作呕的公鸭嗓响起来,应该是一直跟着小王爷的阉人开的口。 "回乌侍郎,糯米不够了,前面是我师兄家,我过去借一些糯米。" 听到糯米,黑暗中的何成满脸厌恶,那个千鹤道长每天都会将糯米和水堵在棺材缝中,让不用呼吸的何成觉得窒息。 很快,千鹤道长借来了糯米重新上路。 但一个陌生人却在远处说着"师弟,我观星象要下雨,你注意些。" 下雨? 棺材中的何成快崩溃的精神忽然转醒,下雨天,可能是自己逃跑的机会,只要外面该死的墨斗线被雨水冲刷掉,区区棺材盖绝不可能阻拦他。 只是千鹤道长真的会给他这种机会吗? 唯一一次逃跑的机会,却要交给老天定夺,他感觉不爽,内心却不停期盼着,最好来一场大暴雨! 何成早已经习惯了时间的煎熬, 等待着夜色的最终降临。------------)

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